Monday, November 6, 2017

Pie in the Sky Thoughts...

Lately I’ve had an imaginary conversation with someone who asks why I’m a liberal snowflake (or some such). I’m not sure when I think this conversation would take place because I tend to avoid confrontation whenever possible. But I’ve been thinking about my response:

Because I believe that God wants everyone to have a place at the table, 
and I believe that our task on earth is to make sure 
that all of those welcome people can find the dwelling, 
that they can open the door, 
that they’re able to step over the threshold, 
that they can find a seat, 
that they have the proper utensils, 
that the food is sustenance, 
and that the fellowship is beautiful.

All of the things that we do that make the table unavailable for all of God’s people? 
I’m against those things.


  1. And it continues to astonish me at how many "Christians" are so intolerant and exclusionary. And wholeheartedly back this administration.

    1. I know - the Christian support of this administration is truly astounding to me. I know that some people thought they were picking the "lesser of two evils" but seriously? And then there are those who believe that the liberal media is lying about him and that he really is the answer to their prayers. Sigh.

  2. You have a much better way with words than I do, so you said it much better than I did.

    And I want to add, "Because I believe the right to health care is more important than the right to own a gun."

  3. I wish more Christians lived their faith the way you do.

    1. Thanks Stephen - although I am definitely not at all perfect.

  4. Great post!
    I've observed people can't seem to look beyond their small tribes for an extended period of time. Excuse me if I'm wrong but I believe the teachings of Christ demand that look to all men and women as brothers and sisters. I liken this discrepancy in human actions as our higher brain functions battling the primitive reptilian part of our brains.

    1. That is a great way to look at it. I know that my "higher self" really does battle the primitive part of my brain!

  5. I'm always astounded about how many christians want you to accept Jesus and yet they have no real concept of what Jesus wants.

  6. God wants and...God gives. God gives Anyone the ablity to do for oneself.It depends what one does with this ability. I don't think God wants you, or me, or anybody else to "play God". In fact, HE dislikes that and punishes the impostors.

    It reminds me of my childhood in a communist country. Communism banned begging and charity, as these were signs that the government doesn't care for his people. In a way,they were right.All were poor there, but every child got the opportunity to study, get a job and work. And that was fair enough.Take a good look at the bright people of Microsoft and Google; they originate in those countries.

    1. I think that we do have the ability to do for ourselves, but I also believe that some countries have systemic flaws that keep segments of the population from succeeding as easily as other segments.

  7. This may be the most succinct summary of Christian ideals that I've read in a while. It amazes me that so many so-called Christians spend their time erecting barriers and chucking people out rather than welcoming them in.


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