Saturday, November 4, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Forty-four

It seems like just yesterday that I was writing last week’s post. The concept of November hasn’t really sunk in yet, but it had better because Dr. M’s birthday is in just two weeks! This week's pictures are rather churchy. Also, there is no picture of the fabulous full moon because we had clouds & rain.
Sunday, October 29th         
The church that I’ve been attending voted last week to change its name (from Church of the Master United Church of Christ to Peace United Church of Christ). It was a nice surprise to see the change in the bulletin.

Yet another addition to the Bug Parking Badly series. This time I was trying to back into the cut out at my dad’s house. At least I have one tire on the pavement. As my brother pointed out, the target I was aiming for is not small. Extra sad.

Monday, October 30th                       
Dr. M was enjoying a gourmet snack of hummus and Southern Flat Bread (aka Ritz Crackers).

A new addition to the Halloween ensemble.

Tuesday, October 31st                                      
We had no trick or treaters this year, which was expected, but still a little sad. It helped that Daddy & Sue came over for dinner. Dr. M made soda bread for the occasion – it was pretty enough to photograph. Also pictured is my Halloween outfit – two different earrings – and a crochet spider and web that didn’t really turn out like I wanted, but we displayed anyway. Not pictured: Daddy & Sue or the meal. Sheesh. 

Wednesday, November 1st                               
And just like that, the witch has become a pilgrim!

I’m lurking outside the church waiting for Christmas Cantata practice. Yes, I’m participating in the cantata. Not joining the choir though (I can’t really do that with my current commitments). Remember how I was going to wait for a year before diving back into church?

Thursday, November 2nd                           
My church has been doing a book study group on this book. Tonight was the last night. It is REALLY good! I highly recommend it!

I finished yet another project for me. It matches the vest I made last week. I really need to get on the ball if I’m going to make any Christmas presents!

I thought this picture that Dr. M took of the new cat was super cool!

Friday, November 3rd                  
I saw this Great Blue Heron on my walk today! Crappy iPhone photos, but still!

Dr. M captured some of the loveliness of our street. Fall has sure been pretty around here.

Saturday, October 28th                       
Today we discovered the RFD channel on TV and watched this show about antique tractors. Now I definitely feel like I’m home (which is funny because the first tractor they showed was in Ohio).

OK people, I’ve decided that I need my own hashtag: #thebugparkingbadly I did get back in the car & re-park it.

It feels like we’re rushing toward Christmas. I’m excited to see how it will feel different this year since we won’t have to travel for it, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the least bit ready! How about you? Can we have Thanksgiving first?


  1. That's a lot of Churchy Stuff, for sure. And crochet. Pretty soon you'll be a Niche Blogger.

  2. I'd like Thanksgiving year-round. But of course then I'd weigh 400 pounds.

    Speaking of the full moon, when I went out to pick up the Sunday paper at about 6:45 this morning there it was, staring straight at me. I didn't think to take a photo.

  3. another week in the life of the Bug.

  4. Your parking CRACKS ME UP!

    I love the picture of the cat/moon shadow on the curtains. I'm actually surprised you didn't get any trick-or-treaters. I would think in NC that would still be a thing.

  5. I love your hat. I've never tried crocheting a hat before... I may need to try it.
    Olive hummus... that sounds amazing!

  6. I bought the very same hummus last week (it was BOGO at Publix).

    No trick-or-treaters? More goodies for you!

  7. Ritz crackers = southern flatbread? That cracked me up, completely. I love old tractors and old farm machinery -- what does RFD stand for? The only thing I know is Rural Free Delivery. I'll bet that's what it is. I used to have a friend who lived on RFD3.

    Don't even talk about Christmas. It's too soon. It's too soon for November, let alone Thanksgiving. Ah, well. As my great-aunt Rilla used to say, "Tempus fidgets!"

  8. It feels like we’re rushing toward Christmas.

    Maybe, but it was 85 degrees this afternoon as I waited to pick up my daughter from school. If my grass starts growing again I will definitely be playing the part of Scrooge during the holiday season.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...