Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Toes

I looked down in the shower this morning & thought I saw my mother’s toes. She had short stubby toes – mine are a cross between those & my dad’s tree climbers. But there they were, with a little polish that needed refreshed. Miss you Mom.

No, I’m not ironing what I’m wearing to church this morning. I don’t care if it needs it. Dr. M & I did our semi-annual ironing the other week for his big interview – you heard he got the job, right? No, I’m not trying to distract you – we totally saw you roll your eyes when we talked about not having to get the iron out for another 6 months.
I sure wish you were going to be here for this move! All that energy buzzing around - you always made me feel really tired. Yes, I know I should just get up & Move It! I like to think about things first. Oh, you think I'm just procrastinating. This sure sounds like a familiar fight - let's change the subject!

So, are you taking credit for Dr. M’s success? I know you think you created him – proud, are you? Yes, we’re still happy together after all these years – the 20th anniversary of our first kiss is coming up! No, I am NOT planning on having kids – I’m too old now. Face it – the bet is over. Course, you won it anyway, since you knew my heart…

Well, I’d better get off here now & get ready for church. Need to check the lottery number first – wouldn’t it be ironic if we won now that Dr. M has a job? Sure you can’t fix that for us? Bummer…

Love you Mom. Happy Mother’s Day.


  1. I enjoyed this very much. I'm fortunate that my Mum's still here with us, but I know when she goes there will be a massive hole in all our lives. I love the semi-annual ironing! I haven't ironed since I can't remember when and I'm not gonna either so there!.

  2. It's a shock to see ourselves age, to see mom or older sisters, or aunts, in our own bodies. I watched a video my son made yesterday at grandma's, and I saw my sisters in my aging face.

    It is what it is! And I might as well accept it.

    Hope you're feeling better and that your MIL is recovering well. I like this real mother's day post.

  3. Beautiful post. I really enjoyed it.


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