Thursday, May 21, 2009

Moving On

Dr. M & I think we’ve found the house we want to rent. We have an appointment to go inside tomorrow, but we’re pretty sure that seeing the inside won’t change our minds. It’s small (3 bedrooms, 1 bath), but has a 2 car detached garage. It’s in a nice neighborhood & is pretty centrally located between our two jobs. We’re excited!


We have this melancholy just under the surface. Dr. M’s parents will most like never see the house. They might. But probably not.

And my Mom will never see the house. There have been a series of moments like this ever since she died. She’ll never see my niece cheer. She’ll never know that Dr. M finished his dissertation, graduated & got a tenure-track job. She won’t know that I changed jobs last year. She won’t know that we moved.

Or will she? There’s some debate about this. Are people really gone? Are they watching from heaven (if so, Daddy you are SO in trouble!)? I’m not sure I want my mother watching me from heaven – that’s a bit like reading my diary. But it’s comforting to think that she might be aware somehow of all of these life events. Even if she can’t rig the lottery for us.


  1. I'm not sure of the details (and don't believe anyone who says that they do), but I am SURE that there is a continuing relationship between loved ones in heaven and on earth.

    New house, new neighborhood, new people to meet. An adventure! I'm envious!

  2. Hopefully, if she's watching you from Heaven, she's doing it politely. There are certainly things I wouldn't want my mother to see me doing. And even though she's 90, I'm sure there are things she doesn't I'm just as happy not to know about.

  3. I totally believe they have the ability to share in our joys with us... I really do. :)

  4. This post put me in mind of my own feelings about change. All the events I wish my mother were here to share and so many I just wish she knew about and until I found website I easily believed she did know what was going on with her loved ones. After reading this I think it was just wishful thinking. What's most important is that she's happy and in a better place.


  5. I have proof that they know what is going on.
    How do you know that your mum didn't lead you to such a nice ,convenient neighbourhood?


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