Monday, June 22, 2009

Delusions of Being Reya

Yesterday I was trying to take a picture of the mosquito hawk on our front door and this extremely Reya picture was the result. I think it's pretty cool - there I am behind the camera. The critter is barely visable just above my pinky finger. There's the reflection of the Red Sox catcher in the corner (they were playing the Braves, in case my family thinks I've defected to the American League). And then there is that glorious sky from yesterday. Wow!


  1. I enlarged the picture for a better look and that is really an interesting Reya effect. I love her photography and I love yours.

  2. It's lovely the way these blogs link to other blogs. Networking was never as good as this!

    Clever bit of fotograffy. Well did U.


  3. I don't know Reya, do know the danaBug, nice bug shot, Bug! Those clouds were really cooperating with you in your composition!

  4. I've been trying to visit your site for a month and this is the first time the link worked. I'm so glad to finally make it!

    Love the picture. And love that it's also a self portrait. Two Bugs with Sky.

  5. That is an absolutely gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous view of the sky!

  6. don't you love it when things work out that way?

  7. I enlarged it too, and it's so fun. You gotta love when that happens.


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