Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hail to the Ham!

I’m jumping on the bandwagon & writing an ode to my Dad today (mostly because he reads my blog – ha!).

My brother & I
huddled together in his bed
(“the dark” was our common enemy –
we could be civil to each other against it).
Daddy telling us a story:
This is the story of the Pee Little Thrigs:
Flopsy, Mopsy, Peter & Cottontail.

Daaadddeee – that’s not how it goes!

Walking in the mall several yards away
from “that man.”
It’s no use – he comes up behind my teenage self

Daaadddeee – you’re humiliating me!

I always thought of my father as a
quiet man.
Slow to talk (although in retrospect that
was probably just in contrast to my Mom).
Now reviewing my memories I see just
how deluded I was.

Here’s to the man in the Barbershop chorus!
Here’s to the man doing karaoke on the cruise!
Here’s to the man taking the gold in Performance at the Senior Games!

Here’s to my Dad:
The ham!

Love you Daddy!


  1. Aw .... that's lovely. Your Dad sounds like a hoot.

    Happy Father's Day to your Dad.

  2. Very touching, and you are so lucky to still have him around and reading your blog.

  3. Great Dad's Day tribute to your papa.

    I'm lucky to have two daughters and a son whom I love deeply. They in turn have given me three beautiful granddaughters and a grandson.

    Lucky Dads everywhere, especially those who are doubly blessed with grandchildren. The love goes round and round and on and on ... and on.

  4. How sweet! I got a giggle out of the image it created. Your dad sounds like a lot of fun.


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