Sunday, August 16, 2009


First, thanks for all your well wishes. I enjoy the commentary almost as much as my drivel :) Mrsupole I’m definitely paying attention to the area we discussed. Brenda – I had arthroscopic surgery on my shoulder.

My biggest fear going into this business was “when will the doctor release me to return to work?” Well, that one is still simmering in the back of my head. (mmm, smells like marinara – oh wait, that’s lunch. Thanks Dr. M!)

My second biggest fear was that the doctor would confirm that I’m a hypochondriac & close me up without doing anything. At least that fear is gone – the doctor’s comment to Dr. M: “no wonder she was in pain!” Apparently there was some bone on bone activity. Ouch! Of course, that’s a mixed blessing because now I have to go back to worrying about fear #1. Sigh.

I’d like to say that I won’t take up blog time with a blow by blow of my recovery & physical therapy, but well, I think it will ease my mind to share my with angst with the blogosphere. Feel free to ignore!

Well, it’s time to go take the dressing off. That’s my bellowing you’ll be hearing. Dr. M is a saint!


  1. I wish you a very speedy recovery!

  2. Sounds like you are on the road to recovery and will be able to get back to pain free activities soon!

  3. A friend of mine had rotator cuff surgery. Is this what you had?

  4. My rotator cuff was apparently ok - the bones, not the tendons were the problem. I'll find out on Tuesday if that will be easier or harder to recover from.

  5. Hope your recovery is speedy and complete. "Work" is not going anywhere, so stop stressing about it, it will still be there when you go back, so relax and do the things you usually do not have time for (that is, if your shoulder allows it).

  6. Oh, how I feel your pain! My shoulder has been cut into twice in the past year and a half. Please take good care and do as the the doctor says.(Both dr.s!)

    Wishing for you the hastiest of recoveries.

  7. OUCH! Sending healing prayers your way.xx♥

  8. I really hope you take it easy and try not to do more than you can because they keep telling me that if I do more then I am supposed to that I will injure it. The days that I have Physical Therapy are hard on me and then I suffer, but I also have to do the exercises on the other days and I am not quite as diligent as I should be due to the pain it causes. I can now type for a little bit and then I have to stop, hence maybe one or two people get a comment and the rest do not. My hardest problem is sleeping but it is getting a little better. I hope you are keeping the ice pack on and I have now discovered that the sling is good to use the ice on. I have the strap part about the ice pack and it works good. As to if you will be able to go to work it will depend upon what your job is and if you can do it slow and easy. If you can wait 14 days instead of 11 days, I think it will be better. But do not overdue it. And if all they did was remove or shave part of the bone off then that might not be so bad. I am still praying for you.


  9. Oooh, sounds quite a tricky operation. Bone on bone pain is often very painful. My poor wife underwent hip replacement in January this year. Bits of bone in the joint had 'grown' onto the socket. She had two and a half hours listening to the surgeons sawing, hammering and grinding as they worked. Fully awake throughout, having had an epidural to kill any pain.

    I do so hope you are 100% fit and well very soon.


  10. HI Bug,
    Listen to your affected shoulder even more than to your doctors. I'm a great believer in ice packs not only to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, but also as something which could cure and even prevent radical measures such as surgery.
    Feel Well!

  11. Take it easy peasey, you deserve whatever rest you can get because you should be good to yourself. This would be a fantastic time to write or read. This would be a fantastic time to watch daytime television..maybe The People's Court and revel in your gloriousness. Read frouffy paperback, watch the sun creep across the floor, organize something. I'm wishing you a speedy recovery with hardly any pain.

  12. So glad you got through it and are on the mend!

  13. I basically echo what all the others have been saying: take it easy - work won't love you back! Strength and health to you.

  14. "Apparently there was some bone on bone activity. Ouch!"


    I'm glad you healing and feeling better. Get well soon. :-)

  15. Always good to have your pain validated, the surgery over and to be in the recovery phase.

    Best wishes for a pain free future.

  16. Whoo! That sounds brutal! I am sorry to hear about your ordeal- you seem to be handling it gracefully though! :o)

    I felt the same way back in December when I had surgery- I was having terrible pain for WEEKS and when the finally opened me up they realized that my appendix was so infected it had attached itself to my OVARY! Ovarian cyst my bum!

    Thank goodness for modern medicine!

  17. Always nice to have your pain vindicated.


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