Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Poetry Bus Attends a Wedding

Don't Feed the Pixies is driving the bus this week, along with his trusty side-kick Argent (please go to her site to check out other wedding poems – you never know, you might find something you can read as a wedding toast). DFTP has told us to write a non-religious poem to be read at a wedding. Well, I just happen to have such a poem – written five years ago for a cousin's wedding (it was for a scrapbook for her - I was glad to contribute since I couldn't attend the wedding). I did update it slightly (because, you know, it's five years later).

I wish for you what we have…

One word, one look
And there we are –
Together in that place
In that time
Where we first
Knew love and each other

It's not ESP
But it's close – that reading
Of that other mind
So different yet so
In tune…

Harmony, dissonance
That invisible connection
Forged by 20 years
Of words and looks
It is unbreakable

Please note: this is a different cousin's wedding - she's the one who made the scrapbook for the other cousin. I know  - it's complicated!


  1. Lovely! You are so good at this. And one of these days I'm going to succumb to the inspiration you provide and jump on that bus!

  2. love the pome. Thanks for playing. We're back on line - yay!

  3. This is very moving, an ode to the immovable bond of true love. Wonderful poem, Dana.

  4. Lucky cousin to get a scrapbook with an actual specially-written poem in it, and a really neat one too.

  5. Sometimes the most complex feelings and relationships are best told simply.

  6. Lovely poem, and a great present for anyone.
    One of my favourite wedding gifts (ok my total favourite) was a box of love poems selected by members of my writing group for us.

  7. That invisible connection
    Forged by 20 years
    Of words and looks
    It is unbreakable

    Or at least, that's the way it should be...

  8. The most romantic things aren't flowers or gifts but those small, quiet moments, even a quick flash of a glance between one another. This is lovely and, I know she'll continue to enjoy it always.

  9. I'm getting a bit freaked out by all the leurve around here!
    But I'd love to have got that poem as a present...

  10. Ahh, yes. Harmony and dissonance. A delicious tension, that keeps getting better. What a mystery!

  11. This is very sweet.
    It's i think very difficult to say at exactly what moment you fell in love with your beloved, but when it happens, we know it!
    Just two words-Loved it!:)

  12. Bug! Really lovely, and so impressed it was used in action. If not the action we can see.

  13. Well, it may be complicated ... but your poem is quite lovely!

  14. What a fine poem to have written for your cousin. Nice one Bug!


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