Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Origin of Labor Day

An economic panic leading to a cut in wages. A paternalistic company not doing a good job taking care of its employees (just what kind of father was George Pullman?). A boycott and strike led by a man who didn't become a socialist until after he was imprisoned for his actions. A president who was upset about not getting his mail. A governor who was upset that he was upstaged by the president.

This, then, was the 1894 genesis of Labor Day. Basically created so we'll shut up and deliver the mail without obstruction. And then the postal workers get the day off. Hmm.

Confused? Read the Wikipedia articles on Labor Day and the Pullman Strike. And, if you're in the US & you get the day off, relax & enjoy the unofficial end of summer.


  1. I always enjoy a day off, though it is always bittersweet--I NEVER get a three day weekend! Seriously, one of these days I need to find a job with better benefits...

  2. Oh I wish we got a three day weekend, sadly, I have to be in school tomorrow. Enjoy Labor Day, I shall go and read up on it as I don't know a great deal about it :)

  3. I want to read about this. I was just telling my husband that not everyone gets the day off and then wondered about the origin of the day. Thanks for the reminder to check it out.

  4. It is the official end of summer for me. When I was a kid, school started on the day after Labor Day.

  5. That's a great picture. Living in south TX, I don't notice Labor Day that much because school starts in mid-August. Like Ellen, I always associated Labor Day with the beginning of school.

  6. and i thought it had to do wiht giving birth...smiles. hope you enjoy the long weekend! no mail means no bills, at least...

  7. Since I work MWF, I get a long four day weekend! Yippeee! Interesting about its origins.

  8. Ha! Leave it to you to give us the scoop. This day really does signal the end of summer - always bitter sweet.


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