Saturday, February 11, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Six

Well, I’m sad. I caught a cold & didn’t get to go to Rita’s place to spend time with her & Sara today. I’m actually feeling a little better now, but didn’t think they needed to be around my sneezy self. Darn. Oh well, here's a look at our week.

Sunday, February 5th    
Dr. M started the week off right by taking the obligatory squirrel shot.

At church this morning a group of us were “commissioned” as Lay Eucharistic Visitors (I’ll be taking communion to shut-ins). We each received these crosses to use in our portable communion kits.

This year I’m sending out birthday letters to friends & family & asking them to send me a letter back. I got my first one back yesterday, but didn’t get a picture until today. My niece sent a really nice note – three pages worth!

Dr. M & I went out to drive around & visited a park in Yellow Springs. Here he is taking a picture of a tree.

Here's the picture he was taking.

It was a gorgeous day.

Monday, February 6th
The Tax Time Pig is ready for Valentine’s Day!

Dr. M took this picture of sparrow – so pretty in the shaft of light.

The moon!

Tuesday, February 7th
The State of the Bug: Skunk!

Our dinner Tuesday night – yum! [Note: that’s Jiffy corn bread – my favorite kind]

Wednesday, February 8th
We had some snow today. I took this on the way to work. It looks more impressive than it was.

In fact, there was just a bit left when Dr. M left school.

And nothing left here on this road. I love this tree!

Thursday, February 9th  
It’s a smorgasbord!

This guy looks very crafty :)

Got my oil changed.

Friday, February 10th   
Mallard couple on a partially frozen pond. Dr. M took the picture & he seemed to think that the Mister convinced the Missus to come in (the water’s fine!) but that she wasn’t too thrilled with it.

Saturday, February 11th  
To cheer me up Dr. M took me on a ramble this afternoon. We had more snow overnight & this time it's sticking around a little longer (it's so cold!). We liked the look of this wagon in the snow.

I love this sign – I made Dr. M stop so I could get a picture of it.



The Biggest Squirrel Feeder in the World! Ha!

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. That cross was beautiful!!! Love you pic of the biggest squirrel feeder; never thought of it that way. Always enjoy the squirrel pics.

  2. Dana, we so missed see you!!! looks like Jared will be coming to Anderson so I hope we will have more opportunities!!!

    the sign cracked me up!!!

    So cool to take communion to shut-ins. what a wonderful ministry!

  3. So sorry to hear you missed the trip with Sara because you got a cold... been struggling all week with a cold all week myself... no fun!

  4. Love that sign advertising for a Cupid. Lots of great images here.

  5. Jiffy cornbread is AWESOME! That's something we can't get here in England, at least not that I've seen -- that and Nilla Wafers.

    LOVE the Cupid sign!

  6. i like the cupid sign as well - and the tax time pig looks as resplendent as ever

  7. Hey Bug, it's great to see you again! I think I like the donkeys best this week.

    Hugs & love,

  8. I'm sad right along with you! I knew you were really looking forward to it, and even almost went a week early :) Hope you start feeling better soon!

    Had to laugh at that sign! What a hoot :)

    Absolutely LOVED that photo of the trees reflecting on the water. And the tree trunk up close was cool too.

    Have a great week!

  9. sorry you had to miss the blogger girl time. next time. hope you are feeling better.

  10. Gosh, there are so many neat photos here I just could say "Thatoneandthatoneand..." But I did especially like the trees reflecting in the pond, and the big squirrel feeder.

    I don't know - is that your pig? Too funny. There's a lady down the way with a concrete goose by her front door. The darned thing always is dressed up in something different and interesting. It has a really cute rain slicker and hat.

    That cupid sign is pretty good, too. But now see? Looking at that made me look at the wagon, which I like even more. What a treat your "weeks" are!

  11. love the eucharist cross...
    your pics never disappoint

  12. That sign was hilarious! Someone was having a bad day apparently.

    I love Jiffy corn bread mix too! It really lives up to its name.

  13. Our associate pastor trained all of us (long time ago) on how to serve communion in different setting like nursing homes or to shut ins. We had these small little boxes with all our supplies in it. Very cool, however I never had to opportunity to use before I eventually stepped away from my role in Stephen Ministry.

    That shot of the trees reflected on the pond.....OUT STANDING!!!!!

    Just gorgeous!!!!!!

    Sorry you missed out on a face to face with Sara and Rita! I know making plans and then having to make a change at the last minute is very disappointing.....

    I hope you feel better soon!


  14. Beautiful photojournal! That panorama of the reflection on the pond is stellar! And of course, the moon shot is absolutely magical.

    It's great fun to witness the small but significant things in your daily life. Keep it coming!

  15. I do like that cupid sign. It's kind of funny.

  16. That is indeed a very large squirrel feeder...and any other animal who happens along!

  17. I finally found me some Jiffy & going to attempt the Corn Bread thing again!!!

    That picture of the trees & the reflection? BEAUTIFUL!!!

  18. We were all disappointed, but SAVE THE DATE--in June Jared comes back for a camp at AU. However, you are welcome to come here ANYTIME!!!
    Love your BD letter idea.
    Wonderful visitation ministry. You will be such a blessing to the shut-ins.
    A funny: I read 'skunk' and then joined it to the next phrase 'for dinner'! Ha ha How would that taste?

  19. Love the cross. I was not disappointed by Dr. M's moon...although mine left a lot to be desired. Loved the snow shots....glad it is not me. Tax Time Pig was cute...and the cupid hiring sign made me laugh.

  20. Yep - Dr M's moon was awesome!!!!!! LOTS of great shots this week! Love it!

  21. But no sheep on the hay this week? Disappointing!!!
    The picture of the moon is incredible!
    I was a Eucharistic Minister for a while, but never was called on to take the host to a shut in.

  22. Ha! That sign was too much!!

    I agree. The wagon in the snow is beautiful. Love the sparrow shot, too.

  23. crack. me. up. i know a few people who would probably be interested in cupid's job. ;) beautiful shots! no pun intended. hehe...


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