Saturday, September 1, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Thirty-five

As you might expect, Dr. M took a lot of pictures leading up to the blue moon. Sadly, we had too much cloud cover last night to get a great picture (we wouldn’t care if the clouds had brought rain, but we’ve had nothing from Isaac so far). I’m including some moon pictures here, but go to Dr. M’s blog to see the rest. Oh, and I took exactly TWO pictures this week – thank goodness for Dr. M!
Saturday, August 25th
Dr. M took a picture of our very very sad back yard.


The first moon pic of the week.

Sunday, August 26th  

Monday, August 27th   
Dr. M saw a couple of fawns on campus.

A little silhouette of a bird…

The weekly squirrel (yes, I’m grinning while looking at the picture).

Tuesday, August 28th

Cows. Please note the extra special marking on the second cow – sweet!

Wednesday, August 29th   
My first dental appointment in about 18 months. I don’t usually wait that long, but I didn’t want to go right after my surgery & then I forgot & then when I called I had to wait about 4 months for the appointment. Did you know that if you go every six months like you’re supposed to the scraping & holding your mouth open & lecturing is cut in about half? Sigh. But no cavities!

Dr. M took pics of the flowers in our yard. They are bright spots in a dreary land these days. (I mean the dreary brown grass – not any emotional dreariness – although there is some of that since it was hot & humid again this week).

Thursday, August 30th        
Almost full!

Friday, August 31st          
The cement pond has been out of control!

The State of the Bug. Feeling tender vittles after reading this post (I just reread it & teared up again).

A cloud-impaired blue moon. To see another picture from a friend of ours, go here.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. I do that a good bit... get through an entire week and realize I've not even touched my camera! Ack! Lovely week in photos!

  2. My dentist: "When was the last time you flossed?"

    Me: "When was the last time I was here?"

    I like the almost full moon photo. Kudos to Dr. M.


  3. Ooohh, Lowandslow said it!

    I like the silhouetted bird shot.

  4. Love those birdbath pictures. I stared at the moon until I went blue in the face. The moon didn't look blue, though.

  5. I tried to floss, and look where it got me!

    Hope you get some rain to re-energize your backyard. At least those birds are happy! But the butterfly...he looks very end-of-season, doesn't he? (She?)

  6. the shots of the bird bath are amazing - love them

  7. Wow...the bird bath pictures were amazing. Loved the blue moonn shots...but then you knew I would, Great shots this week. I enjoyed them all....except for you sad face. I like smiling faces on you.

  8. great pics! your bird bath is reminiscent of ours last summer, the only source of water around for miles must have been. we even had the area resident red shouldered hawk come to it.

  9. That moon does look blue! It's a great photo. The commotion at the bird bath is incredible. I think you two should sort your best pictures and make some calendars to sell on cafepress. I would buy one. Especially anything sheepish.

    We've had clouds and humidity and, yes, heat, but not a drop of rain from Isaac. Phooey!

  10. A Cow with a heart...LOVE IT!

    and all those birds at the cement much fun!

    Great week

  11. I LOVED the silhouette picture of the bird, what a great shot. The bird bath was great I love the third picture where one bird was coming in with its wings pulled up tight, I can hear it say "CANONBALL"

  12. oh the love/hate relationship with the dentist!!!

    I have taken more pictures with my phone the last 2 weeks than ever before...ugh!

  13. I just love all the moon and bird pictures!! I probably need to go to the dentist but I keep putting it off. I'll get there eventually.

  14. Your lawn looks an awful lot like my lawn :) We were supposed to get rain today but it didn't happen. We've had one good day of rain in, I don't know, four months? The last time I remember getting a decent amount of rain was the end of April. Since then just the one day. But that's not unusual for here, this time of year.

    Love the cow with the heart! How cool is that?!

    I get to go back to the dentist again tomorrow. I've lost track of the visits (7? 8?) this crown has required and we still won't be done tomorrow. Dentistry is a whole different ballgame here. I'm just thankful I found a dentist I like! That makes a difference, doesn't it? Nobody likes going to their dentist's, but if you like 'em it's a little easier :) Good job on the "no cavities"!

  15. I love the cement pond pictures!!
    The silhouette of the bird is really pretty, too.

  16. The sweetheart cow looks almost flirtatious! What an expression!

  17. The silhouette bird is lovely! I also like the birds taking their bath.

    I did not get the memo that the moon was going to be blue! Too bad, cause I know that only happens in a...well, you know! :)

  18. Your moon reminded me I have to go out tonight and look again for the moon - so I can wink at it for Neil Armstrong. We had cloudy-cloudy during the best of the full moon, so all memorial winks were delayed.

    Those birds at the birdbath are so funny! Wonderful photos of them - that's hard to do, methinks!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...