Friday, September 7, 2012

Nothing to Say

From Ellie at Meditation Matters and Jan at Yearning for God
 [Note: This isn't strictly true, but I just haven't had a chance to write a real post this week.]


  1. But if you don't write, how can I comment? ;)


  2. That is priceless. I laughed out loud in class and my kids wondered what was so funny.

  3. Why is one of the Addams Family in the post below?! I'm scared!

  4. I'm going to blog about not having a comment.Ha! That'll be the day.

  5. Ha! Well, it IS true that sometimes when you start to write, you find out you have something to say after all. :)

  6. Hilarious but so true!

  7. It's why I found I needed a long

  8. Slowly getting caught up with my peeps after a very busy week. Hopefully I'll be able to manage a post tonight.

  9. This reminds me of the McDonald's commercial where the young lady is having oatmeal and an older lady is watching and talking about how it was made in "her day". She took a picture of it and said she would have to blog about it. Sounds like how I blog sometimes...ha.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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