Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Now About What Was I Being Paranoid Again?

Cousin Itt or The Bug?

I'm just too busy doing Very Important Things to write a real blog post. Like, tonight the choir had a pot luck & our first practice of the year. And I've been actually WORKING at work. And Dr. M has been sick, so I'm cutting down on my own productivity in sympathy.

So ANYWAY, I thought I'd just share a picture of the front of my head. I thought it would be funny to brush my hair forward like that. What it was, was claustrophobic. Man I have a lot of hair! Wasn't it just yesterday that I worried that I was losing my hair?

P.S. Check out Dr. M's post from this evening - you can see some of what we've been up to.


  1. I have hair envy. Mine's thinning so badly... but of course, I probably have about 30 years on you, so I'm right on course.

    What is this "working at work" of which you speak? Isn't there supposed to be a law against that, or something? ;)

    Off I go to Dr. M's, to see what I can see. (More than you, in that photo!)

  2. Your hair is definitely not thinning. Nor is your puckish sense of humor.

  3. I honestly thought that was the back of your head :) haha!

    DANG... you got some hair girl!

  4. Bug? Bug? Is that you?

    (BTW, have you checked out dried fruit? Dried cherries are awesome)

  5. Dear Cousin It,
    Have you seen Dana. ? One never knows what they may find on your blog. You crazy crazy woman. LOL

  6. Dear Cousin It,
    Have you seen Dana. ? One never knows what they may find on your blog. You crazy crazy woman. LOL

  7. my hair is very fine. I always wanted thick luxurious hair. a hairdresser told me once that people with fine hair actually have more hair than those with thick hair. yeah, whatever. my hair wants to grow forward. I spent years training it to stay out of my face by brushing it back and away. every time I get a haircut though, they always want to brush it forward onto my forehead. first thing I do when I walk out the door is push it off.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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