Friday, May 10, 2013

10 on 10

This is one of those things that I always mean to do each month & for one reason or another I never get 'er done. Not this month! I grabbed this day by the horns & took pictures! Of course, as per usual around here, there are more than 10 pictures.


I remember hearing a thunderstorm sometime towards dawn - it was nice & wet as I was getting ready to leave for work.


I got a new monitor at work - 22 inches. Woot woot!


One of the things I have to do as part of my job is listen to call recordings (we really DO monitor for quality assurance!). I often crochet while I'm listening. Makes a tedious task much more bearable!

Mid-morning snack - we pulled out the Irish Soda Bread that we had frozen back in March. Heated it for about 12 seconds in the microwave - yum!


I was going to go for a walk around the parking lot, but it did this most of the day.


I don't understand why we can't have siestas in the afternoons at work...


Playing with my afternoon snack. Reminds me of the fish on Steve Reed's sidebar :)


Why, look what I saw on my way home from work!

Sky still looks pretty ominous. Good thing I plan to do housework tomorrow!




The Braves don't play until 10:15, so we'll watch the Reds until then (assuming I can stay awake for the Braves game. If I had a Magic 8 Ball it would say "Outlook not so good!").

That is one saturated flag!


Papa cardinal showing up for his nightly feed. Makes me smile every time to see that bright red in the green green grass.


  1. Well done! We're expecting the rain to hit here tomorrow, so we've soaked up as much sunshine as we could over the past few days.

  2. You did it! Nice work! I am quite amazed that someone does monitor fun to put the time to good use, too. So, do you have to create reports about what you've heard? Speak with the caller? The answerer? I'm curious!

  3. Great photos, as always. It IS interesting that you monitor calls. I always thought that was just one of those things they automatically say in case a review is ordered -- I never expected that it happens routinely.

    Awww, my fish appreciate the attention! :)

    That soda bread looks yummy.

  4. I like your photos and the general magic of your blog....congrats :)>

  5. I always love seeing you day, or week as the case may be, in pictures.

  6. Love seeing your day in pics. All civilized countries should have siestas. Everyone is more productive and nicer after a nappy.

    I love tootsie rolls. Yes sir.

  7. Dana had me at Irish Soda Bread!!yum yum my childhood...

  8. So, what happens if you hear something in a call that is...not-so-quality? Are you the Hammer?

  9. Curious minds want to know, Bug! Best I can remember, she only listens to calls that might shed light on whether or not the caller/employee violated the rights of the person being called.

  10. That's right - I'm listening to recordings of calls in order to determine if allegations of wrongdoing are true or not. And boy that sounds more exciting than it is! It's kind of like listening to see if the representative used "may" or "can" appropriately. Mindnumbing! Which is why crocheting is important to relieve the boredom. Oh, & if there IS an issue I just let me boss know & the people above me handle it :)

  11. That's some amazing stuff. Thank you.

  12. We're seeing lots of cardinals around here too! Lots of fledglings of all kinds. Spring ... ah ... spring. We had those boomer thunderstorms again last night too!

  13. You do look like you'd benefit from a nice afternoon siesta.

  14. I love this idea of documenting your day with a series of pictures. I remember I asked you about it when you did it a while ago and then promptly forgot about it. So now I'm putting a reminder on my calendar for June 10. We'll see what happens...

    Yeay on the 22-inch monitor! When I started my new job six months ago, I inherited my boss's old computer and monitor. Luckily, he is a big fan of large monitors, so now I get to enjoy it. Of course his new one is even bigger.

  15. I would lose my mind listening to those recordings. If I knit my lace shawl during them, I'd be so preoccupied as to not hear a word of what was said.


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