Monday, May 6, 2013

The French Revolution, Christmas, & the Good Old Days

As I was heading to bed last night I had a question for Dr. M:

The Bug: Why did Robespierre get the guillotine? Short answer! (Knowing who she was speaking to & wishing to get to bed before 11:00).

Dr. M: Because.

The Bug: Too short!

Dr. M: [maniacal laughter]

Historians are weird. [Note: the short answer is that he started putting the Revolution over the needs of the people of France. For whom he had helped start the revolution.]


This morning on my way to work I had just finished rocking out to the Indigo Girls (as we white middle aged women do), when Silent Night came barreling out of my speakers. Wait, what? Apparently I got a little confused when I was loading the MP3 player. Made me laugh – which was a good thing on a rainy Monday morning.

After Silent Night a Kevin Welch song came on and that made me think of Kieran Kane and that reminded me of this song:

I got a little crush on Kieran when I first saw the video (on MTV or CMT back when they did videos?) and I remember trying to find his CD every time we went to the record store. I never did find it. What a different world that was! We had to just really enjoy the heck out of whatever we were listening to because we couldn’t just go to Amazon & download the single, or go to Youtube & watch the video over & over. I’m sure there’s some “Good Old Days” moral in there somewhere, but frankly I’m more of an instant gratification type of a person.

I think I’m going to go click “play” on that video again. Isn’t he dreamy?


  1. I'd never heard of Kieran Kane, but I liked the song. And as far as music is concerned, I'm with you on Amazon and Youtube and mp3s and instant downloads...

    Funny "good old days" story: When we moved from South Carolina to Florida almost six years ago, we got rid of a lot of stuff. When I got ready to box up and give away all our old records, Matt picked one up, eyed it carefully, and said, "What is a big black CD?"

    1. LOL - that's funny. We still have some albums, but nothing to play them on.

  2. Dreamy? Okay if you say so. Have a great week.

  3. Kieran Kane -- never heard of him. We're having technical difficulties here at the moment so I can't seem to get the video to play. I'll have to revisit it!

    What on earth got you thinking about Robespierre??

    1. A documentary about the French Revolution had just come on TV :)

  4. Indigo Girls are fantastic - no one here in the UK seems to know them, which is their (the people of Britain) loss

  5. That's how I answer the boys. Unfortunately, it's just not washing with them these days.

    And sorry, but whilst I like the song, Kieran himself is not lighting my fire.

    1. Actually, I'm not sure he lights my fire anymore either - I guess one's taste can change after 20 years :)

  6. Can't comment on the music thing, but that was interseting info on the French revolution. Maybe I should read more about it. ;)


    1. There's a pretty good documentary about it - maybe on PBS? That's what we were watching when I asked the question.

  7. I can remember waiting for songs on the countdowns on the radio because they didn't play them OVER & OVER like they do now... & same when videos were out. I do remember those days of having to wait... we were better people back then, weren't we :)

  8. He looks like a young Jack Wagner! Funny, but I have but one Indigo Girls CD that I rock out to and can sing along with every song, and it was their first big release, Indigo Girls, from 1989. :c)

    1. Yep - we got that one just after we were married. We got a new-fangled CD player that would hold FIVE disks & put it on random play. And it was truly random - Kid Fears would play about every 3rd song. Made us laugh so hard - "Pain from pearls, hey little girl.." over & over again. Ha!

  9. I love this...I said to my kiddos the other day that I was going to look for a new record and they just about came UNGLUED laughing at my OLD terminology! I told them to "ZIP it!!!!"

    I like Indigo Girls!

  10. Thanks for the good laugh from you and your historian. It was just the ticket.


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