Friday, May 17, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Twenty

With a couple of exceptions, this week is basically “As seen in the Bug’s back yard.” Nice quiet week around here – full of laundry & mowing & waiting impatiently for our vacation. Even so there are a gazillion pictures. I’m just getting you ready for next week because that will be out of control. Or maybe I’ll split the pictures up into different days. We’ll see. Oh, and as if these aren’t enough pictures, if you haven’t already, please check out Dr. M’s post. There are some pictures I put into a collage here that he shows individually, so you might like to see those.

I’m posting this tonight because we’re leaving early tomorrow & I don’t think I want to mess with posting pictures once we get there. Ha!

Sunday, May 12th – Mother’s Day
My Facebook status for the day: Happy Mother's Day to all you mothering type people! You know, back when my grief was fresh I resented the hell out of Mother's Day. "Where is Motherless Day?" I wanted to know! But now, 8 motherless Mother's Days later, I am back to being amazed by mothers. What a job! (And, just because I'm the person I am, I have to point out that when you say the word "mother" too many times in a row it starts to sound hilarious. Ha!)

The doggie next door. He is always so curious about what we’re up to.

Mr. Ken’s irises.

Downy woodpecker – I love the one where he is giving the house sparrow that look – “what are YOU doing here?”


Monday, May 13th
I can never resist robins in the bath.

I took this day off to do some things to get ready for our trip. We decided to take a little mini road trip. Yep.

I love these exploding tulips!

Papa cardinal.

This looked pretty scary from Dr. M’s perspective – although I’m sure they were further apart than they look.

My latest project.

The moon! Whew – did you think this day would never end?

Tuesday, May 14th           
Red-bellied woodpecker.

Squirrel on a wire.


I pass these flowers on my way home – lovely…

Wednesday, May 15th   

The man behind the camera…

Thursday, May 16th    
Honeysuckle on the back fence.

Our hanging basket is looking gorgeous.

Grackle – love the fanned tail.

The moon!

Friday, May 17th  
The State of the Bug – I woke up with a cold. Yes, the day before vacation. I ran out of Kleenex at work & resorted to some paper towels that were in my car. They were still softer than the facial tissue our office has.

Ahhh Choo!

Our neighbor is going to babysit the hanging basket while we’re gone.

Aren’t his poppies lovely?

Saturday, May 18th    
We’re headed to NC’s Outer Banks today. See you later!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Those jet trails DO look scary. I think the purple flowers may be loosestrife, in which case they're a noxious weed -- but they ARE pretty. (And my identification may not be correct!) Love the new crocheted (knitted?) bag project!

  2. That is the prettiest hanging basket. The colors are so vibrant, and those poppies are sumthin'. I can almost smell the honeysuckle. Sweet.

  3. I love poppies but mine didn't do well this year. great pics as usual. and I think I dreamed I had a cold last night.

  4. Umm, who's babysitting the crochet work?

    Hope you guys have a blast on your vay-cay. And, as usual, the photos are fabulous.

  5. Contrails in the sky fascinate me. Especially these. Cool! :)


  6. Hope the cold has a short stay. Enjoy the Outer Banks.

  7. Well, judging from your pictures, you have a pretty spectacular back yard.

    Have a great vacation and ditch that cold somewhere along the way!

  8. Irises are my favorite flower and these pictures are incredible. Happy Weekend!

  9. so many great shots to pick from - but i'm going for the picture of Dr M

  10. Take care of that cold! Vacation, remember.

  11. Once again, superb photography.
    Is it the photographer or the subject or both?
    The latter, I'm sure...
    Oh, the deep blue sky
    and the gorgeous hanging basket
    and the honeysuckle
    and the poppies...
    Each conjure up associations,
    all pleasure-filled.

    So happy you're having a vacation!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...