Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I was in charge of writing the family Thanksgiving poem this year. I struggled with it because the words are just not arranging themselves in poetic ways these days. And yes, this doesn't bode well for our annual Christmas poem! Ah well, this one is done now, and it talks about some of my favorite things, so it's poem enough for me, I guess. Hope you & yours are enjoying the day!

I’m sitting in my muse-free zone
picturing the faces of my family.
Surely there is poetry there –
in those eyes and those familiar smiles,
in the vision of generations,
in love lost, love regained, love found,
in the possibility of persimmon pudding
and home grown green beans.
There is poetry in the familiar – 
in the ritual of rush and not enough time,
in the spectacle and laughter,
in the empty places for those we miss.
And there is definitely poetry 
in the hands we grasp around our family circle,
in this annual waltz of thanksgiving.

Dana Rhyne

Thanksgiving 2014


  1. poetry or not they are wonderful sentiments.

  2. Your poem really put me in the mood of the holiday. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. I have been looking far and wide for a healthy dose of green beans. There are none to be found in this neck of the woods. They are all thin and wilting. Enjoy your home grown beans and the love. Your poem speaks to my heart and taste buds. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Persimmon pudding? What am I missing out on?

  5. I think your poem is just fine. And since SWMBO is from Indiana, I guess I'd better inquire about persimmon pudding.

  6. Yes, there is poetry in all of those things. Have a great weekend.

  7. I like it, Dana. It feels like what the day is supposed to be about.

    Now you've gone and done it. You've got our curiosity up. You must tell us about persimmon pudding.


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