Sunday, August 30, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Thirty-five

This week was all about the moon… Also, Dr. M took a lot of great pictures that I’m not including here because he did a blog post! Go check it out here.
Sunday, August 23rd     
My daily walk…

The moon!

Monday, August 24th   

My daily walk.

The moon! (I’m sensing a theme here…)             

Tuesday, August 25th                
My daily walk.

One of the roses at Dr. M’s school.

I’ve been trying to sing some because choir is starting back up next week. It amuses me to sing out of the hymnal of my youth – that is older than I am.

Squares #3 and #4 of Pattern #16. I finished the blue & white one last week, but forgot to take a picture of it. The green & cream one definitely needed blocking!

Wednesday, August 26th         
That squirrel – ha! We’re pretty sure he was looking in the window of the barn to see if it would be worth his effort to climb over there.

Crocheting by the fire…

Thursday, August 27th      
I love this pattern! I took pictures after each row because it was so interesting to me how different it looked along the way.

Friday, August 28th   
Dr. M & I are going on a cruise in December for our 25th wedding anniversary – so excited that our new passports arrived today!

Finished the square - #1 of pattern #17.

We had quite the conflagration going on!

The moody moon…

Saturday, August 29th    
An even moodier moon.

Smelly cat! Someone said that you could remove the scent glands & it would make a great pet. My question is – who’s going to catch it to remove the glands? I think we’ll just stalk it from a safe distance. Ha!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Thirty-four

The week I took a trip…
Sunday, August 16th     
We had a marriage recommitment service at church today.


I left for our corporate office in Delaware on Monday. Sunday night I got a wild hair that I needed to put some sort of tag on my suitcase so I would recognize it in a lineup. Ha!

Monday, August 17th   
Seen around the yard…

Waiting in the airport. I took some tomatoes to my boss.             

Tuesday, August 18th                
Some coworkers at our Delaware office took me on a walk to a local market where I picked up a fabulous salad. I loved the birdhouses along the river. They were all modeled after famous buildings – Christina’s World is from the painting of the same name.

That evening my boss had a cookout for everyone – I love what she did for her daughter’s nursery.

Wednesday, August 19th         
Seen in the Philadelphia airport on my way home. I was SO TEMPTED to get a Pope for my own self :)

Thursday, August 20th      
Seen around the yard.

Friday, August 21st  
The campus rock that gets repainted every semester is a minion right now – love it!


The moon…

Saturday, August 22nd    
We had a visit from a Carolina Wren. Isn’t it cute & scruffy?

Our nocturnal kitty is back.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Thirty-three

Just another week in the life…
Sunday, August 9th     
Ms. Pinkie Petunia Verbena.

I am OBSESSED with this word game I’ve downloaded onto my phone. I had passed the Penguin level earlier, but today I made it through the Sheep level. Ha!

Monday, August 10th   
We’re not sure, but we think this squirrel is saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Although, since he’s facing the Nazarene church across the street, it might be the Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian Flag, instead of to the American Flag. Evangelical squirrels – who knew?

His & hers tomato knives. If you look closely you can see some pepper from a prior mater sandwich.

I did the 10 on 10 thing today. Go here to read all about it (actually, I think most of you have already been there & done that ).

Tuesday, August 11th                
Around the yard.

Square #1 of Pattern #16.

Oh mater tree, o mater tree, how lovely are your green-and-red orbs…

 Wednesday, August 12th         
I took a mini walk at work (I mowed later for my “real” exercise). Gorgeous sky!

Thursday, August 13th      
Very early Thursday morning Dr. M tried to capture the Persied meteor shower. He saw a few shooting stars, but wasn’t able to get any pictures. I thought these were pretty cool anyway.

On my daily walk I passed the house that mows about twice a year. They always just leave all the grass on the sidewalk. I kind of like to shuffle through it & crunch on the dry bits.

Friday, August 14th  
Our hanging baskets still look lovely.

The Board of Directors.

Square #2 of Pattern #16.           

Saturday, August 14th   
Dr. M pulled out Little Miss Sunshine hoping that she will help save our remaining sunflowers. We shall see!

My daily walk. I love that little donkey – reminds me of Eeyore.

Hope everyone has a great week!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...