This week was all about the moon…
Also, Dr. M took a lot of great pictures that I’m not including here because
he did a blog post! Go check it out here.
August 23rd
daily walk…
August 24th
My daily walk.
The moon! (I’m sensing a theme
August 25th
My daily walk.
One of the roses at Dr. M’s
I’ve been trying to sing some
because choir is starting back up next week. It amuses me to sing out of the
hymnal of my youth – that is older than I am.
Squares #3 and #4 of Pattern
#16. I finished the blue & white one last week, but forgot to take a
picture of it. The green & cream one definitely needed blocking!
August 26th
That squirrel – ha! We’re pretty
sure he was looking in the window of the barn to see if it would be worth his effort to climb over there.
Crocheting by the fire…
August 27th
I love this pattern! I took pictures
after each row because it was so interesting to me how different it looked along
the way.
August 28th
Dr. M & I are going on a
cruise in December for our 25th wedding anniversary – so excited
that our new passports arrived today!
Finished the square - #1 of
pattern #17.
We had quite the conflagration
going on!
The moody moon…
August 29th
An even
moodier moon.
cat! Someone said that you could remove the scent glands & it would make a
great pet. My question is – who’s going to catch it to remove the glands? I
think we’ll just stalk it from a safe distance. Ha!
Hope everyone has a great week!