Saturday, April 15, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week fifteen

I am SO SLEEPY right now that I cannot guarantee that the following post will make any sense. We spent today roaming around the mountains like we used to do back in the day, and as usually happens when I spend any time in a warm moving car on a sunshiny day, I got so sleepy. I was foiled in my attempt to nap on the way home by the fact that I was driving. Humph!
Sunday, April 9th         
Let’s start the week off with the State of the Bug. Which is… I’m not actually sure what’s going on here. Dressed up for church? Checking for stray chin hair? Who knows!

Monday, April 10th            
I thought the little tomatoes I got at the grocery store were so pretty that I had to take a picture.

I mowed after work. I decided that the front yard exercise route looked like a woman with wild red hair wearing a mask & eating a grape. Ha! That evening I used the giant tub for the first (and possibly last?) time. It ran out of hot water before it was half full. I did enjoy my soak though.

Tuesday, April 11th                              
The moon! By the way, the Moon Man has a new post over on his blog. Check it out!

Wednesday, April 12th                    
I went to get a library card today & was tickled to see Hog Hill Pottery in the display case in the lobby! My cousin Scottie & her husband John do such good work.

Thursday, April 13th                      
Date night on a Thursday – watched Iron Man. Robert Downey Jr. is hilarious in this movie.

Friday, April 14th      
OK, we had date night again on Friday. Went out to get a burger (BurgerFi veggie burger – so good!), picked up a few things at Target, then I ran into Michael’s to get some yarn for a baby shower gift. Somehow I ended up bringing this yarn home too. I don’t know how it happened, because I wasn’t supposed to be buying new yarn, right?

Saturday, April 15th         
As mentioned previously, we rambled in the mountains today, driving up to Mt. Mitchell. I was laughing at the road we were on – Holy Hairpin Batman! It was a lovely day.

We stopped for dinner on the way home. I had seaweed salad, sushi, and sugar donuts (yes, three out of these four pictures were MY food). I didn’t actually eat it all.

Now I’m watching Braves baseball & contemplating the leftover donuts in the fridge. How was your week?


  1. I guess I'm at that age where the weeks seem to be flying by. How was my week? All too brief.

    1. Right?!? All too brief. Peace be with you, Stephen.

  2. Your week sounds like what the prescription written for me! Alas, I was unable to get it filled this week. Holy Week, ya know? The nerve! But I've gotten really good at living vicariously through others (sort of), so I'm grateful for all the goodies you shared. Libraries, and pottery, and chinese food, and mountains, and tomatoes, oh my! Yeah, the lawn, too--a good form of exercise. Can't wait to see what next week delivers to you! (and me). Happy Easter!

  3. Your food looks delicious. It's been ages since I had Chinese food. Your mountains are beautiful and inviting. You are seemingly enjoying being back in Carolina. You've shared so many happy family moments and places you remember. Happy Easter to both of you, J Michael and Dana. xoxo

    1. Much love to you, dear friend! Here's to new beginnings this Eastertide...

  4. I'm a big fan of Robert Downey, he was the perfect person to play the billionaire/playboy Tony Stark.

    1. He really was perfect for Stark. But I'll never forgive him for killing Deputy Marshal Newman in U.S. Marshals ;)

  5. you go shopping on date night? sheesh, Dana.

    1. I did get a new fan for my office and an awesome vegie burger out of it, lol.

  6. That pottery is beautiful and so are those tomatoes. I always think that vegetables and fruits are every bit as pretty as flowers. LOL at the wild-haired woman eating a grape. You must get Dr. M to boil water on the stove and fill that fab tub for you. :)

    1. bath the old-fashioned way! I can do that...

  7. Doughnuts in the fridge?! Horrors. And remember...every single one takes twenty minutes off of your life (although lil doughnut holes, probably about 5-6, but that's for EACH ONE)!

    1. I'll bet Krispy Kreme takes more than 20 minutes! These are the chinese dough balls fried and sprinkled with sugar. Yeah, probably at least 15 minutes.

  8. I've found myself photographing store-bought tomatoes before, too! They're so pretty when they're all together like that. The trip into the mountains sounds great! I went to Mt. Mitchell once about 15 years ago. Looked about the same, I expect. :)

    1. Pretty much the same :) Actually, the spruce and fir trees looked a little healthier than they did last time we were up there.

  9. Robert Downey Jr is the PERFECT Ironman.
    I have 2 Caron Cakes & dont know what to make with it.

    1. I thought she was going for carrot cake :( Downey Jr nailed the role!

  10. Your posts are so rich, I love the look of that tub, and I think you look super serene and happy in that selfie, the move is obviously suiting big time, Delighted for ye.

    1. She is very happy to be home! Thank you for your kind words.

  11. A struggle. But it will all pay off. Some day.

    1. I hope your move is as without struggle as possible!

  12. Your yarn addiction is serious. Any YA group in your area? ;)

  13. I had no idea you're so close to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Some day I need to get out a map and look at something east of St. Louis. This much is sure -- if you have sushi, and yarn, and moons, and doughnuts over there, it's pretty much a perfect place to live. Especially when you throw in a mountain.

    1. Technically speaking, we are in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. On any given clear day, we see the mountains on the horizon if we go out for a drive. Our house is in a hollow, but once we get on the main roads, there they are! We are home, and it is pretty much a perfect place to live. <3

  14. I remember seeing tomatoes and sushi...were there other photos in your post? LOL.

    I'm wondering how far you are from Greenville, SC. My oldest son, his wife, and my youngest granddaughter live there, and I have plans to visit them sometime this year. They were just here over Easter (that's why I'm so late catching up with blogging and commenting).

    1. Not that far!!! Same general foothills geography. Keep us posted...would love to dine with you and chat!

    2. I replied by email, but thought I would comment here too - we've about an hour and a half from Greenville, so we should DEFINITELY meet up!!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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