Sunday, April 9, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week fourteen

I think that we’ve finally gotten into the swing of taking pictures around here (except for a couple of days), which means that once again, this weekly post will be ridiculous.
Sunday, April 2nd        
Speaking of ridiculous, I FINALLY got pictures of the completed Temperature Monster. Sheesh.

Meanwhile, we’ve got an Eastern Phoebe nesting on the security light in our carport!

Plus, this. It was a banner day at The Bug Homestead.

Monday, April 3rd           
Rainy Monday, unsuccessful trip to get the Bugly’s NC license plate, but these guys make us laugh every time we pass them. Goats are hilarious.

After my grandmother died I said that I wanted her china (oldest granddaughter’s prerogative), but I didn’t have anywhere for it to live. I finally got it from my dad’s house, washed it, and decided that my next cousin in line should have it. She probably wishes I had made that decision years ago! Isn’t it pretty though?

Tuesday, April 4th                              
I FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE!! So, you get this screen shot of my word game. Can you guess what the remaining two words are? Note: You can’t actually make the two words with this configuration – I had to restart the game & pick the letters for the other words in a different way to make it work, which is why I did the screen shot in case I forgot the words I had already found.

Wednesday, April 5th                    
I almost didn’t have a picture for this day either, but fortunately someone posted on Facebook about how gnomes make her think of me, and so I had to take a picture of our current gnome.

Thursday, April 6th                      
One of my cousins brought her two girls for a visit – so sweet! The older one is SO SMART – it’s kind of scary. Ha!

I decided to reinstitute my State of the Bug feature that I had going a while back. So, the State of the Bug: Thinking that Christmas jammies in April didn’t seem as big a deal in Ohio. And apparently unable to shut up talking about it long enough to take a picture.

Friday, April 7th      
The usual scene the back yard. Also, you’ll be glad to know that at long last, the Bugly is a NC resident.

Saturday, April 8th         
We went to spend some time with Dr. M’s dad. His azalea bush is gorgeous! Taller than I am! And he has a lovely dogwood in the back yard. I do believe I really am in NC now.

Ohio has license plates in the front and back of cars, but NC only has the back ones. Daisy felt nekkid, so I got her a fashion accessory. Ha!

Yesterday was my sister-in-law’s birthday & she had to celebrate alone with a sick teenager (my brother did send her flowers, so he’s somewhat redeemed – he was out of town). I felt bad, so I brought her some make-up cupcakes. The 9 is because my phone told me she was 9 (I apparently entered her birthday in 2008). See that empty space? That’s where the cupcake was that I ate on the way to her house – a Cadbury Egg Cupcake. O. M. G.

And while I was out gallivanting, Dr. M got to see bunnies in the back yard!

How was your week?


  1. Life is better with bunnies.

  2. Cadbury egg cupcake? That sounds so delicious, I can't believe you didn't take a picture before you are it!

    I like your front "license plate." Mine's a German flag. And when Dave drives my car I always have to tell him to let people in (like when in a line in traffic). Because we're representing Germans...I want people to have a good impression. Ha!

    1. I love this post! I'm sure my ancestors would approve.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ummmm...I think that's one of his plum trees, definitely not a dogwood. You're going to have to re-apply for your Carolina residency...

  5. Was listening to a podcast the other day and something called the Garden gnome Liberation Front was mentioned. If these people were serious the "GLF" steals gnomes out of peoples gardens and supposedly "sets them free in their natural habitat."

    Where this natural habitat is located I have no idea.

  6. I cant believe how crazy long that blanket is!!!

  7. In recognition of you new residency, I have moved your "favorites" position from the "general blogs" folder to the "NC blogs" folder.

    Be prepared to get a jury summons within the next six months. Surely as you change titles and licenses your name pops up. They swear it's random but I'm not so sure. Both my husband and I were summoned shortly after we moved back to NC. Interestingly enough, the summons came from the sheriff's office, not the Clerk of Court.

    1. I've never gotten a summons for jury duty! When we lived in NC before Mike got jury duty all the time - a couple of times he would receive a summons for a county we no longer lived in. Ha!

  8. Great pics as always. I sympathize with your wanting that china--until you actually got it. I'm currently trying to figure out what to do with many of my late mother's things.

    1. My dad keeps trying to give me more things to bring home. I'm trying to be firm!

  9. I want you to know that when you posted the pics of the temperature monster on Facebook, I shared them with my boss, who knits. She was very impressed and I think she's toying with making one of her own. (Probably knitted, though!) You're an inspiration!

    1. Cool! Tell her to pick a short stitch or hers will turn into a monster too!

  10. Love the bunnies. AND the Cadbury Egg Cupcakes!

  11. Your temperature monster is quite an accomplishment!
    Your grandmother's china is very pretty.
    I love bunnies... until they munch on my hostas. :(

    1. We don't have to worry about the rabbits yet since we haven't planted anything. Our neighbor has a vegetable garden - maybe they'll bug her instead of us :)

  12. I got to see a jackrabbit this past weekend, out in the Texas hill country. I was so excited -- I can't imagine living among cottontails. I'd be in a constant state of excitement.

    That china's lovely. I collected Homer Laughlin for years. What you have is the Eggshell Georgian shape, and I'm pretty sure the pattern is Cashmere. There were so many floral patterns with slight variations, it's sometimes hard to tell. But I'm pretty sure that's it. There's a creamer on the page I linked, and it sure looks the same to me.

  13. I think you're right about the pattern. She had a couple of pieces in a different pattern too (it had silver rim & no yellow flowers). I kept a creamer & sugar bowl in that one, just for nostalgia.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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