Sunday, April 30, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Seventeen

This week is all about baby birds. I can’t believe we just saw our Eastern Phoebes for the first time last Friday & now they’ve already fledged & gone. But don’t worry – we got plenty of photos of them.
Sunday, April 23rd
Sunday was a miserable day – it poured BUCKETS all day & I was out & about for most of it. On my way home from church I saw this vanity plate. I asked my Facebook people if they thought that it referred to the weather or the person driving the truck.

Later that day I went to a concert. My dad & Sue belong to a community chorus & they had the first of several performances today. They did great – and looked great!

Monday, April 24th            
The aforementioned buckets of rain caused the South Fork River to run over its banks.

Tuesday, April 25th                              

Wednesday, April 26th                    
Our white oak tree out back. We love this tree.

Something I read on someone’s blog caused me to take pictures of our refrigerator. It’s rather busy.

Thursday, April 27th                      
This was the only picture I took this day – to remind me of what size air filter to get at the store. Ha!

Friday, April 28th        
We have Indigo Buntings hanging out at our feeder! We’re pretty excited.

More babies…

Saturday, April 29th           
The State of the Bug - I finished the project that I made with the yarn that followed me home a couple of weeks ago. I really like it – but didn’t realize at the time that the yarn is 20% wool, so now I need to make another one out of a NON-wool yarn to wear this summer. (Pattern is here for crochet folk who are interested - it's pretty easy.)

And this is the picture that caps off the week. Baby birds are just so hilarious to me.

That was my week – how was yours?


  1. Our refrigerator is boring compared to yours.

    1. You should put some of your artwork on there! :)

  2. Now I know what to take a picture of when I forget to take a picture all day and then it's evening...the fridge!

    Love that Saturday bird pic - they are so full of expression. Nice to see your pic, too!

    1. Thanks! Baby birds are just hilarious to me...

  3. I wish it would at my location. Sprinkler system is down and the lawn could sure use the help.

  4. love that last picture of the baby phoebes. it's been juvenile baby squirrels romping around here for the last week.

    1. We have one baby squirrel that's been coming to the feeder - it's tail is about twice as big as it is. Hilarious!

  5. Ahhh nice - there's the pattern!!! That is so cute! Does it feel heavy? Or ok for spring?

    1. It's not too heavy - but the bit of wool in it is itchy to me.

  6. For a second the first comment there made me think the birds were in your fridge as I had just scanned down!!! Phew!

    1. Hahaha! Nope - we do NOT have baby birds in the fridge.

  7. Birds the wild, not the fridge. Gods I miss them. Maybe we'll get a second brood this summer. Fly high, phoebes! And Ellen, we have a little squirrel, too! SO cute! I can't hate them...

  8. Those Indigo Buntings are so cute. Love the fridge pic and your hair looks great!

    1. The blue of those birds really stands out - makes me smile when I see them.

  9. Raining buckets here, too, and for days and days. Those indigo buntings are gorgeous. I am jealous.

    Is that washable wool? It's pretty airy; won't it be good for cool spring days? Or is it scratchy? (I'd wear it most of the summer since I'm so chilly all the time.)

    1. It is washable - and yes, nice & airy. It's a teeny bit scratchy though, so I'll like it better in the fall with a three quarter length undershirt.

  10. Those indigo buntings are unbelievable. Such beautiful birds! (I like the babies too!)

    1. Yes - we love catching a glimpse of that blue at the feeder.

  11. Baby birds, Indigo Buntings, big oak tree, beautiful project, beaming couple, buckets of water overflowing banks. . . all bery interesting. Be blessed! :-)


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