Sunday, June 18, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Twenty-four

Happy Father's Day to all the dads and people who've been dad-like. I spent some quality time with my father today - I'm so glad he's still around so I can do that!
Sunday, June 11th   
All dressed up for church, where our prayer of confession just hit me between the eyes (as it often does).

As you can see, we have a nice variety of daylilies around here. The neighbor has even put some in a pot in Roy’s kennel. (Note: no picture of Roy this week, but I think you got a nice dose on Wednesday – and yes, Stephen, he IS part Teddy Bear!).

Monday, June 12th              
A typical sight in the back yard.

Tuesday, June 13th                                
Dr. M has been making me the best salads lately. It’s all the extra love in there, I’m sure.

Wednesday, June 14th                        
My new low cal dessert – sugar free chocolate pudding, cool whip, & strawberries. Yum!

Thursday, June 15th                      
I started a new project, using leftover Temperature Monster yarn. Yes, even the orange.

My sister-in-law gave me this very risqué bag for Christmas. Ha! 
The planter that Dr. M brought home is certainly thriving!

Friday, June 16th          

I hadn’t washed dishes in several days (we have a dishwasher now - & it’s not me!), but even so I thought that six sharp knives was a bit much for two people in three days.

Saturday, June 17th             
Dr. M & I went out to eat at our local Mexican place & I got something sensible (for me) – mushroom quesadilla. It was really tasty! And probably not as healthy as I pretended it was.

64 days until surgery. What are you looking forward to this summer?


  1. "What are you looking forward to this summer?"

    Sadly, I'm looking forward to the ending of summer. Went down to Charleston last Saturday and then the beaches at Pawleys Island. The former was already way too hot and the latter was so crowded I couldn't get a parking spot. Cooler weather will solve both of my problems.

  2. Great picture. I know how happy you will be when this surgery is over.

  3. gorgeous day lilies. are you sure you still want my plain double orange (which I will send soon now that they have finished blooming but a reminder of your address would be helpful)?

  4. I so busted out laughing at your yarn bag. So funny!!!!
    mmm... what a nice little dessert that isnt a zillion calories

  5. I'm looking forward to the abundance of summer produce, like tomatoes and basil and green beans...oh my!

    We've been eating a lot of strawberries this season with just a sprinkle of sugar, and I've been loading up my yogurt with them. So good! I'll be sorry when they're gone.

  6. I laughed at your yarn bag. That's awesome!

  7. That yarn bag cracked me up -- and your dessert looks great. When it comes to summer, I'm already looking forward to it being over. It's not the worry over storms as much as it is the daily heat and humidity. I don't cope as well as I used to! I've never seen such fancy day lilies. They really are beautiful.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Six

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen.  Sunday, February 2nd       Ran out of yarn at the end of t...