Wednesday, June 7, 2017

No one ever understands me...

I asked Siri how to spell desultorily, and this is what she told me. Well!


  1. Lol! I speak most of my texts, and you should see some of the things my phone comes up with!

  2. Ha! I've never tried Siri, and now I know why. :)

  3. haha... I literally cackled out loud at this....
    As someone with a 'twang', I feel your pain

  4. I've never asked Siri to spell anything. I think I'll continue refraining.

  5. My luck with Siri has been ZERO! Once I asked "Where is the Tolltag office in Plano., TX?) She replied, "The Tolltag office in Ft Worth is located...) That was my last visit with Siri, I went to settings and disabled her. Good riddance.

  6. I am reminded of the scene from the Star Trek "save the whales" movie where Scottie sets down in front of a PC and says " Computer!"...and of course gets no response, so he cracks his knuckles and starts typing. I wonder what Roddenberry would think of Siri, Alexa, Hey Google, etc.? He was born in El Paso, Lowandslow...wonder if Siri knows where that is?

    1. Of's next to the Tolltag store in Plano, TX. ;)

  7. Siri doesn't live in my phone, and I do believe I'm just as glad!

  8. Don't blame Siri, she's just a weak Artificial Intelligence. Give it twenty to thirty years and we may be voting for an AI for president. I'll refrain from saying anything about how an AI would certainly be an improvement on.....Oh well, you get my meaning.

  9. I always thought I'd have trouble with Siri, since I do have a bit of an accent. I'm used to phones not understanding me when the automated voice says, "If you need customer service, please say 'customer service'" and then says, "I'm sorry, I did not understand that." Surprisingly, Siri is OK with my accent. Of course, mostly I ask her, "Hey Siri, what's the name of that song?"


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