Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Procedure

There was a time that I was so needle-phobic that I asked the dentist to give me a filling without anesthetic. Note: NOT RECOMMENDED. Now that I think about it, that may have been the turning point in my relationship with needles. Sometimes they are a necessary evil.

I had my hip aspiration on Monday & it was just as exciting as it sounds. But, as I said on Facebook, like all things that are dread-full, it wasn't as bad as I had feared. First, though, big props to my dad for coming to pick me up & take me to the hospital (Dr. M had to take his dad to a doctor's appointment). Daddy knew exactly where to go, where they keep the wheelchairs, and how to maneuver me around. Thanks Dad!

For the procedure, they numbed the area (the Necessary Evil Needle), and then used another needle (that I could not feel) to try to draw up some fluid for testing purposes. There was no fluid to be had, so they tried another area (another NEN - but this time I could feel the probing needle a bit - ow!). They ended up putting saline in there to draw out to send to the lab. That doesn't sound like fun, but it was a bit of good news because no fluid means a smaller (or no) infection. Now my hip is a little bit more sore, and I'm waiting to talk to my doctor next week about what they found.

While I sit around on my keister, Dr. M is taking care of All The Things. Today he vacuumed and mowed. He's just the best.


  1. First: I'm glad it wasn't so bad and I'm keeping good thoughts about what's to come. I don't mind needles, but I don't like pain. Anytime a needle can prevent pain, sign me up.

    Second: That is the most beautiful potted plant.

  2. well, good news then, no infection. and of course Dr. M is stepping up.

  3. Well, I'm glad it wasn't as bad as you had feared. Sounds like good news so far. Or at least an absence of bad news, which is a good thing.

  4. I was going to say, SHOULDNT there be fluid?
    I just cant get over you did dental work without numbing... you are my hero. I cant stop cringing

  5. I once made the same Stupid Decision to forgo Novocain. Once.

    Glad another step has been taken along your Journey and that you have had such good company along your way.

  6. Great that things went well. Never liked needles either. Warm greetings to you and yours!

  7. Good news that the procedure wasn't as bad as you'd anticipated.

  8. ...filling without anesthetic... What???

    Glad it went better than expected!

  9. Glad this hurdle is behind you. And so thankful you have such a great support system. That makes the most difficult ordeal so much easier. have a part-time dog and gorgeous flowers.

  10. That's just one less thing to worry about, and you're one step closer to getting permanent relief. Hang on! :)

  11. I've never minded needles, but I have a pathological fear of dentists. Thank goodness they have needles! I'm ever so glad things went better than you expected. (It does occur to me that you don't fear all needles. After all, there are those afghans and hats and temperature blankets that prove it!)

  12. Gads! What our women go through. Good vibes are being sent your way, DanaBug.


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