Here is how you put a sock on when you're not able to bend down to your feet (or cross your legs). It's pretty ingenious & I may continue to use it just for the fun of using a gadget.
This was a sorry state of affairs. I was in my office & dropped my grabber. Rather than ask Dr. M to pick it up for me I went into the kitchen & got our other grabber. I guess if I'd dropped that one too I would have had to call for backup.
I received this bill in the mail. On the back it said: Your insurance carrier has processed your claim. The remaining balance on the account is your responsibility. I was understandably a little bit freaked out.
I had been keeping an eye on the hospital bill on my insurance website, but it had not been finalized. I called my insurance company and was told that the amount that I actually owe is a little over $600. She called the hospital to find out why they sent a bill before they heard back from insurance & was told that it wasn't really a bill. It was just a notification. We both were a little bit skeptical. What do you think? Would you think this was a bill?
During my pre-op hospital visit they had me go ahead & pay the amount that they thought would be due after my insurance was processed - a little over $3,000. So they actually owe me money. They sent this not-bill 18 days after my surgery. How quickly do you think they'll process my refund?
Note: The care I received and the staff at the hospital was top notch. Even the food was good. However, I'm a little disappointed in the billing department at the moment!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
2017 Project 365 – Week Thirty-eight
I just wanted to comment about Roy – his new space is MUCH
larger than his old one. He has plenty of room to run around, a building for
shelter, and he likes to spend his days sleeping under a tree. And his human still
takes him for walks. We just don’t get to have him meander over for a visit
now. He probably doesn’t really even care about that – ha!
September 17th
My dad’s birthday! I went out to eat with him and Sue after
church, but did I take a picture? No I did not. Glad I got one beforehand!
At church today we had a service renewing our commitment to being an open
and affirming congregation. Afterward there was a reception & I ate a
funfetti cupcake.
September 18th
Our little hummer has still been
coming by. She loves the petunias & morning glories, but today Dr. M caught
her checking out Ms. Pinky.
September 19th
This guy. He works so hard to
take care of me. Well, I’m halfway to being able to take care of him for a change!
September 20th
I was meeting a friend at a
restaurant & thought it would be a fine idea to sit outside & wait for
her. I guess I’m not used to being out & about in the summer down here.
September 21st
All this circle had in it when
we moved was a tree stump & some monkey grass. It’s a little bit out of
control now. Ha!
September 22nd
From Instagram: Pro tip: remember to change from your reading glasses to your
driving glasses before you snap on your sunglasses. Otherwise you will be
driving in a surreal landscape & wondering who spiked your soft drink. #groovyman#aremyeyesdialated
Dr. M surprised me with a Dansby
Swanson Atlanta Braves shirt – woo hoo! He’s a cutie. Yes, I’m old enough to be
his mother. Sigh.
September 23rd
Ms. Pinky Two Tone is showing off her two-toned-ness. She’s
just mocking me because I said last week’s bloom was probably her last.
One more week of post-surgery restrictions and then my real
recovery can begin. Plus I can quit talking about this surgery. I’m pretty
excited, and I know you are too!
Monday, September 18, 2017
2017 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven
Other than a cameo of my hairy legs, there are no human
pictures this week. I know you’re very excited.
September 10th
I did my 10 on 10 today, so you can go here to
see those pictures. While I was doing all that, Dr. M took a picture of our
little hummer.
September 11th
I posted this on Instagram with
this caption: Adventures in domesticity. I dropped my soap in
the shower, and since I can't bend over yet & since my grabber does NOT
work in this situation, that soap can just sit there & think about the
error of its ways. On the other hand, my sweetie successfully folded a fitted
sheet! #totalhipreplacement #healreadypickedupthesoap #sheetmiracle
September 12th
Look at the fabulous dinner Dr. M made! There's are actual vegetables on there!
September 13th
Red-spotted Purple Butterfly! I
haven’t been very impressed with our Sedum (it’s kind of a mess), but
butterflies & bees love it so I guess we’ll keep it.
Our petunias & morning
glories are looking a little worse for the wear, but still putting on some
pretty blooms, which Ms. Hummer really appreciates. And Ms. Pinky has put out
one last (?) bloom of the season – and Ms. Hummer loves it too.
Meanwhile, The Weather Channel
apparently doesn’t know who it’s dealing with. Ha!
September 14th
I’m pretty excited to see this
number continue to creep up. Hopefully I’ll soon be hitting my goal of 10,000
steps (last reached on May 1st).
We had some pretty high winds on
Monday (Hurricane Irma residue), and the penguin wind chime migrated to the
other side of the swing. No ill effects though. And Roy’s owner fenced in her
back yard so he’d have a bigger area to play in. We think she got complaints
from some neighbors about him roaming around. Not from us though. We love Roy!
September 15th
Heather is going to simply disappear any
time now.
September 16th
Look! I changed my own sheets today! Very exciting!
I’ve had to wear these compression cuffs on my legs every night
since my surgery. But I got to kick them to the curb this morning (Monday, when
I’m writing this). So excited! Maybe I’ll try to sleep on my side now. Plus,
those nocturnal trips to the bathroom will be MUCH less complicated. Woo hoo!
I’m continuing to take baby steps, and continuing to remind
myself not to bend past 90 degrees. Two more weeks of that restriction & then
I shall start wearing shoes with laces! Oh, and shaving. What are you looking
forward to?
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
10 on 10
10 pictures on the 10th day of the month! This time the 10th was on a Sunday so I decided to give it a go. I was up early for a change, eating breakfast in bed & playing on my iPad.
Look here! I am driving all by myself to the senior center to sing with my dad & aunts.
The senior center has some lovely crepe myrtles. I didn't take any pictures of people because I'm a terrible blogger.
Heading from the senior center to church - I opened the sun roof on the car. It was a lovely day.
The funky little church I'm attending now.
On my way home from church I stopped at Sheetz for the best egg salad sandwiches in the world, and I was rewarded with a special surprise! I love Cadbury Eggs. Ha!
Afternoon baseball is the best.
I took a little ramble in the back yard.
My friend Betina was riding out the storm in Florida and talking about stress eating chocolate. So in solidarity with her I took ONE BITE of ice cream.
It was a really nice day. I enjoyed getting out & about on my own! What did you do on Sunday?
Look here! I am driving all by myself to the senior center to sing with my dad & aunts.
The senior center has some lovely crepe myrtles. I didn't take any pictures of people because I'm a terrible blogger.
Heading from the senior center to church - I opened the sun roof on the car. It was a lovely day.
The funky little church I'm attending now.
On my way home from church I stopped at Sheetz for the best egg salad sandwiches in the world, and I was rewarded with a special surprise! I love Cadbury Eggs. Ha!
Afternoon baseball is the best.
I took a little ramble in the back yard.
My friend Betina was riding out the storm in Florida and talking about stress eating chocolate. So in solidarity with her I took ONE BITE of ice cream.
It was a really nice day. I enjoyed getting out & about on my own! What did you do on Sunday?
Sunday, September 10, 2017
2017 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six
Remember how I said I had too many selfies last week? Ha! This
week there’s a picture of me practically every day. Sheesh. But before we get
to my narcissistic week, I’d like to say that I don’t care what “category” Irma
is, she is pretty darned scary! I’m praying for my friends in her path.
September 3rd
I had a craving for a Sonic Concrete, so I made Dr. M get me
out of the house.
Heather, looking splendiferous as usual.
September 4th
I posted this picture on
Facebook & said that I did not
have crochet attention deficit disorder just because I abandoned three other projects
to start a new one.
Lookit! My daily walk,
reinstituted! I won’t always post these every day, but I will for a little
while to stay motivated. Please note that by “daily walk,” I currently mean going
out my door, rambling around the yard or the street, and then coming back
September 5th
I had my two week follow-up
appointment with my surgeon. He says I’m doing really well, and he told me I
could be 100% weight bearing & start using my cane. Sweet!
September 6th
Today’s ramble outside.
September 7th
This time I remembered to use my
map program to record my vast distance. Ha!
No one is safe from yarn in our
The moon!
September 8th
I finished the project I started on
Monday. I like this pattern! This was a gift – I might have to make one for
Yeah yeah yeah – another walk.
September 9th
I made Dr. M let me drive to the grocery store. And then I
WENT IN & SHOPPED! I haven’t been inside a grocery store for months. I had a
little bit of sensory overload going on here. And Dr. M was going, “why exactly
are we here again?” (Note: I had stopped taking my narcotic much earlier in the
day so I wasn’t impaired on the road – ha!)
I think the hardest part of this recovery for me is going to
be that I feel so great (yes, I’m sore, but it’s not that bad) that I’ll forget
that I still have another three weeks of not bending over too far or crossing
my legs. I need to be extra careful now because while this surgery went very
well, it “only” has a 90% success rate. So chill Ms. Bug & don’t make Dr. M
have to tie you to a chair!
Monday, September 4, 2017
2017 Project 365 – Week Thirty-five
This week I have about a billion food pictures, plus a
smidge too many selfies, but it’s balanced out by pretty things like the moon
and flowers.
August 27th
The only picture I took today – cookies! My cousin Kim and
her daughter brought Dr. M and me a plate from the church picnic – so thoughtful!
You’ll see the real food in tomorrow’s pictures.
August 28th
Here is all my food for the day.
Firstly, I had BBQ and baked beans for breakfast. I was rummaging around for an
eating utensil & could only find a cocktail fork – ha! Dr. M found
something a little more suitable – and then he ran the dishwasher. Next is
lunch – the aforementioned picnic delivery. Yum! Finally, dinner – an apple, a
banana, and Nekots. We are all about nutrition in the Bug Household.
I got a present in the mail
today! These Ohio friends speak my love language. Plus, they included something
for Dr. M. Thanks Donna & Krista!
August 29th
Dr. M spent some time stalking
the wildlife in our yard today. Wild turkeys! That squirrel though…
I finished the wedding gift I
was making for my cousin’s daughter (why yes I DID keep the other blanket for myself - ha!).
The moon!
August 30th
Free Range Bug with some of our
flora. My physical therapist had me walking down the driveway today.
August 31st
I was awake at 3:00 a.m. worried
about my friend Ellen in Texas,
and I was starving. Not sure the buttered roll was the best idea – ha!
Physical therapy goes much more
smoothly when you have a penguin pillow assistant! (One of my exercises
requires a pillow under my knee – Mavis is perfect!)
September 1st
I told Facebook that I was going to
comb my hair after my shower, but why mess with perfection?
More presents! This time my friend
Becci sent some of her Feryl
Designs jewelry. Am I a lucky Bug or what?
Speaking of lucky – my aunt Vivian
brought us this fabulous meal. So yummy! We’ve been so blessed with food
deliveries in the midst of all of this madness – Dr. M’s aunts brought
Bojangles on Tuesday, and my dad & Sue brought food on Saturday, and my
brother’s wife brought pizza the Friday before. I should have been keeping a
journal so I can keep track!
September 2nd
I forgot to mention that Kim also brought this gorgeous mum –
so pretty!
Another selfie – I was supposed to go to the engagement
party for the couple who are getting the blanket, but I was worn out from
watching other people clean my house (thanks Daddy, Sue, & Dr. M!). I took
a two hour nap!
I will leave you with this, from the book I’m currently
reading. What does it even mean?
I have one more day off and then I start back to work. I’m a
little nervous about it – I think it will be quite some time before I get
caught up!
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2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
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