Monday, September 4, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Thirty-five

This week I have about a billion food pictures, plus a smidge too many selfies, but it’s balanced out by pretty things like the moon and flowers.
Sunday, August 27th     
The only picture I took today – cookies! My cousin Kim and her daughter brought Dr. M and me a plate from the church picnic – so thoughtful! You’ll see the real food in tomorrow’s pictures.

Monday, August 28th                    
Here is all my food for the day. Firstly, I had BBQ and baked beans for breakfast. I was rummaging around for an eating utensil & could only find a cocktail fork – ha! Dr. M found something a little more suitable – and then he ran the dishwasher. Next is lunch – the aforementioned picnic delivery. Yum! Finally, dinner – an apple, a banana, and Nekots. We are all about nutrition in the Bug Household.

I got a present in the mail today! These Ohio friends speak my love language. Plus, they included something for Dr. M. Thanks Donna & Krista!

Tuesday, August 29th                                   
Dr. M spent some time stalking the wildlife in our yard today. Wild turkeys! That squirrel though…

I finished the wedding gift I was making for my cousin’s daughter (why yes I DID keep the other blanket for myself - ha!).

The moon!

Wednesday, August 30th                              
Free Range Bug with some of our flora. My physical therapist had me walking down the driveway today.

Thursday, August 31st                         
I was awake at 3:00 a.m. worried about my friend Ellen in Texas, and I was starving. Not sure the buttered roll was the best idea – ha!

Physical therapy goes much more smoothly when you have a penguin pillow assistant! (One of my exercises requires a pillow under my knee – Mavis is perfect!)

Friday, September 1st              
I told Facebook that I was going to comb my hair after my shower, but why mess with perfection?

More presents! This time my friend Becci sent some of her Feryl Designs jewelry. Am I a lucky Bug or what?

Speaking of lucky – my aunt Vivian brought us this fabulous meal. So yummy! We’ve been so blessed with food deliveries in the midst of all of this madness – Dr. M’s aunts brought Bojangles on Tuesday, and my dad & Sue brought food on Saturday, and my brother’s wife brought pizza the Friday before. I should have been keeping a journal so I can keep track!

Saturday, September 2nd                  
I forgot to mention that Kim also brought this gorgeous mum – so pretty!

Another selfie – I was supposed to go to the engagement party for the couple who are getting the blanket, but I was worn out from watching other people clean my house (thanks Daddy, Sue, & Dr. M!). I took a two hour nap!

I will leave you with this, from the book I’m currently reading. What does it even mean?

I have one more day off and then I start back to work. I’m a little nervous about it – I think it will be quite some time before I get caught up!  


  1. I have one more day off and then I start back to work.

    Yeah, I took a four day weekend at the last of August and a three day for Labor Day. Going back to work tonight is going to be hard.

  2. I like your short haircut. I even like the after-shower look! And, yes, those PT folk are sadists. But I guess it's necessary. Judy made her bed today and found she didn't even need her walker, as long as she had the bed to lean on if necessary. Progress!

  3. I laughed at your Nekots. I just had too many Ritz crackers with peanut butter that I'd stashed for Harvey. I need to put those way at the back of the cupboard until hurricane season is over, so I don't have to buy more if we get a re-run.

    I saw Ellen's post today. So sad. What gets me isn't just how many people were affected, but how widespread the damage was. I have friends in Rockport, West Columbia, Bellaire, Houston, Clear Lake, and Beaumont who were flooded out -- along with some in Dickinson, San Leon, Santa Fe... it just goes on and on. But, the sun is out and a lot of those houses already have the soggy mess out -- including the carpeting, sheetrock, and such. The faster the better, that's for sure. Now I'm crossing my fingers that no one has to deal with Irma. I think I'd take our Harvey flooding over that.

    I'm excited for you going back to work! I'm headed back tomorrow, too. It's been a week and a half, and I can stand to finish up a job, pronto. Money is such a nice thing to have!

  4. Short hair frames your face quite nicely.

  5. pictures! But I have an issue with your You’ll see the real food in tomorrow’s pictures... Cookies are real food!

    Glad to see you are making progress and are looking cute while doing it (I love your haircut!). And I'm happy for you that you live near people who love you and bring you food and clean your house.

  6. You are surrounded by the kindness of so many. How fortunate you are! That's a lot of thank you notes to write!

  7. Food delivery is AMAZING when you cant get up & around.
    Question - so you read with the black background? If I do that, I see spots everywhere for an hour.
    Love that blanket!!

  8. That yellow mum is beautiful. I love them.
    So glad to see you making your way down the driveway. You're on your way!
    Wild turkeys!!! Do they know Thanksgiving is getting closer and closer every day?

  9. Love the wild turkeys! And I wonder what kind of butterfly that is, pictured with your yellow mum? I don't recognize it.

    Not sure about that quote! LOL!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Six

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen.  Sunday, February 2nd       Ran out of yarn at the end of t...