Sunday, September 10, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six

Remember how I said I had too many selfies last week? Ha! This week there’s a picture of me practically every day. Sheesh. But before we get to my narcissistic week, I’d like to say that I don’t care what “category” Irma is, she is pretty darned scary! I’m praying for my friends in her path.
Sunday, September 3rd      
I had a craving for a Sonic Concrete, so I made Dr. M get me out of the house.

Heather, looking splendiferous as usual.

Monday, September 4th                    
I posted this picture on Facebook & said that I did not have crochet attention deficit disorder just because I abandoned three other projects to start a new one.

Lookit! My daily walk, reinstituted! I won’t always post these every day, but I will for a little while to stay motivated. Please note that by “daily walk,” I currently mean going out my door, rambling around the yard or the street, and then coming back inside.

Tuesday, September 5th                                   
I had my two week follow-up appointment with my surgeon. He says I’m doing really well, and he told me I could be 100% weight bearing & start using my cane. Sweet!

Wednesday, September 6th                              
Today’s ramble outside.

Thursday, September 7th                         
This time I remembered to use my map program to record my vast distance. Ha!

No one is safe from yarn in our house.

The moon!

Friday, September 8th               
I finished the project I started on Monday. I like this pattern! This was a gift – I might have to make one for myself.

Yeah yeah yeah – another walk.

Saturday, September 9th                   
I made Dr. M let me drive to the grocery store. And then I WENT IN & SHOPPED! I haven’t been inside a grocery store for months. I had a little bit of sensory overload going on here. And Dr. M was going, “why exactly are we here again?” (Note: I had stopped taking my narcotic much earlier in the day so I wasn’t impaired on the road – ha!)

I think the hardest part of this recovery for me is going to be that I feel so great (yes, I’m sore, but it’s not that bad) that I’ll forget that I still have another three weeks of not bending over too far or crossing my legs. I need to be extra careful now because while this surgery went very well, it “only” has a 90% success rate. So chill Ms. Bug & don’t make Dr. M have to tie you to a chair!


  1. Always love the combination of color and humor in your posts.

  2. I'm glad to see that you're doing so well!

  3. It's terrific that you're feeling and doing so well already. And up and about and bearing full weight. What great news!

  4. You totally need that shawlette for yourself. Speaking of which, do you have a pattern for that? I LOVE IT!!!!!! I want one myself!

  5. So would being tied to a chair really be all that bad? You could make sitting and knitting a doctor's order. ;)

  6. Isn't it great to be out and about? You really are doing so well -- and I'm glad to see you giving yourself that teensy-tiny little lecture about not pushing too hard, too fast. We want this to be a complete recovery!

    Do you have new glass frames? Whether you do or don't, I really like them. They look very nice -- and so do you, by the way.

  7. Did you guys get any rain from Irma? Glad to see you're out and about!

    1. We got some rain and wind Monday evening, but nothing dangerous, thankfully. Checked on my dad today... he's fine, as is Bug's dad. Thanks!

  8. I loved this post. I'm so glad to hear that your recovery is coming along so well, and I'm crazy about your haircut. It suits you to a T.

  9. Love all the good news! And I can relate to your excitement about going to a grocery store; I remember similar feelings after having given birth and not shopped for groceries in a few weeks (sending someone else for stuff is not the same).

    You look great, especially your hair (I know, I know, I've said it many times before...I want your hair!). And keep up the walking, just don't overdo it.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Six

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen.  Sunday, February 2nd       Ran out of yarn at the end of t...