Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Fifty-two. The Last Week!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Dr. M & I took off for the Outer Banks on Wednesday & just got back last night. I have today (Monday) off from work & then head back tomorrow. Which means that (as usual) I probably won’t be awake to welcome the new year. That’s ok – it seems to make itself at home without my felicitations. Although come to think of it, maybe 2018 needed a little nudge from me so that it wouldn’t be so crazy pants.  
Sunday, December 23rd                                
We had two very excellent services at church today. Our pastor decided to have our candlelight service today instead of Christmas Eve & it worked out very well – packed house. It was lovely. This picture is from the nursing home before church – I loved this little vignette in the dining room.

Monday, December 24th                                          
I had to make an emergency yarn run in the morning, but this shawl was finished with hours to spare. Whew!

I think the recipients of my yarny gifts were quite pleased. That’s always gratifying.

After dinner & the gift exchange, we played Trivial Pursuit. I forgot how much I love this game. Dr. M & I won the first round – yay!

Tuesday, December 25th                                             
The blanket for my other nephew & his wife made it to South Korea! I breathed a sigh of relief – it would have been VERY SAD if it had gotten lost.

As we usually do, we spent some time with Dr. M’s side of the family. I didn’t take any photos of his Pop, and I snagged most of these from his cousin.

Wednesday, December 26th           
Off to Nag’s Head!

Thursday, December 27th               
Dr. M took SO MANY great pictures. I may share more of them later this week, but for now I’m just including a sampling. These first ones are mine – I took a break from crocheting (something for me!) to walk on the beach.

Dr. M captured me in action.


That night we had the best pizza from Nags Head Pizza Company! The Mediterranean: mozzarella base with chicken, feta and finished with chopped spinach, roma tomato, cucumber & tzatziki. Pretty & tasty!

Friday, December 28th                                        
Beachy pictures…

Saturday, December 29th                                               
It was a beautiful day! We took a drive to Roanoke Island & had the obligatory seafood lunch (well, I had catfish), and then just drove around for a bit. Then I dropped Dr. M off & went shoe shopping. It was a good day.

Dophin shenanigans.

I’ve been phoning it in on the old blog here for quite a while. I’m not planning to shut it down, and I still plan to post things, but I might not do P365 next year. Or if I do it I might do it very differently. I guess we’ll see what happens next week!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Here is our annual Christmas poem, written by Dr. M this year.

Nativity: most any depiction
Or portrayal of Jesus’ birth.

We stage lighted presentations,
Some worth tens or hundreds
Of dollars, and bring to hills
And hollers the bright sights
And sounds of Christmas!
Yes, we will gather ‘round
Yon Virgin again this year
And silently cheer on those
Players young and old who,
Through giggles and stumbles
And the cutest of fumbles
Re-enact that Holy Night.
And all is right in the end,
And good. As it should be!
Let the wee ones lead us,
Praising Jesus’ blessed birth,
Let all the Earth keep silent,
And practice love and peace,
Good Will this Christmastide!
May the Spirit of the Season
Again show us reason to rejoice
And sing heart to heart, hand
In hand, Gloria in excelsis Deo!

Mike and Dana Rhyne
Christmas 2018

Monday, December 24, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Fifty-One

Well, here is it Christmas Eve & I finished my last gift about an hour ago. I had to run to the store to get another skein of yarn this morning! This has seemed an especially fraught year, and I only made three things! Next year everyone is getting a gift card! Ha! Thank goodness church was EXTRA good yesterday – two different services – or I would be wondering what the point is of all of this. Tomorrow I’ll post our annual poem (courtesy of Dr. M this year), and you’ll see the point too.
Sunday, December 16th                               
Happy that our cantata went well and that it’s OVER for another year.

Dr. M & I went to lunch and saw this little guy when we got home. He was maybe 12 inches long. Cute!

Monday, December 17th                                          
Photo shoot for my first completed blanket, which is even now on its way to South Korea. I hope.

Tuesday, December 18th                                             
I was laughing at myself because I said that I was going to take a hiatus from making blankets & then I bought this book. But, hey, I used border #118 on the other blanket I finished this week!

Wednesday, December 19th           

Thursday, December 20th               
We got a Christmas card that matched Dr. M’s birthday llama!

Friday, December 21st                                       
Sneak peek on the next blanket. I used a less elaborate join on this one (the yarn I used was more expensive than the yarn I used for the other blanket).

Saturday, December 22nd                                              
Blanket # 2 is finished! The border on this one used a stitch called the Crow’s Foot & I never really did get it exactly right. I told my crochet group that it’s good that I think they look like snowflakes since no two of them look alike!

In a couple of hours we’re heading out to spend Christmas Eve with my family. It will be fun to spend time with them, although we’ll miss the South Korea contingent. Last year at this time felt a little uncertain. I’d just accepted a new job, but hadn’t started it yet. And it hasn’t been totally smooth sailing since then. But I have to say that I feel blessed. Dr. M, my family, my job, my health, my new church…blessed. What are you thankful for this season?

Sunday, December 16, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Fifty

We had our Christmas cantata this morning, and then Dr. M & I went out for a late brunch, and then I crocheted all afternoon into evening. I am so sleepy that I can hardly hold my eyes open. I’m pretty sure that at this point I couldn’t legally be held accountable for whatever I write here – right?
Sunday, December 9th                               
I shared some pictures from Sunday last week – we got a LOT of snow! It was all very exciting, but it meant that a brunch that we had scheduled with some friends got postponed & Dr. M & I had to eat the French Toast casserole all by ourselves. Darn.

Cardinals are silly. Plus a woodpecker!

THE LAST SQUARE! (In this colorway…)

Late that night I figured out how to remotely change our office voicemail to say that we were closed on Monday. I was pretty chuffed.

Monday, December 10th                                          
THE LAST SQUARE! (In this other colorway…)

Tuesday, December 11th                                             
The neighbors went sledding.

And a squirrel got thirsty.

And The Moon!

Wednesday, December 12th           
I was almost done piecing all the squares together (there were four more to go), and I posted this picture in my crochet Facebook group asking for some advice about the border. Advice was given & I used it – but you don’t get to see the result until next week because I want to take the blanket to work & get a good picture of it. That’s right – this blanket is TOTALLY DONE!

Thursday, December 13th               
Quite an eclectic crew out back today!

Friday, December 14th                                      
We watched my favorite Christmas show – Olive the Other Reindeer.

Saturday, December 15th                                             
Our 28th anniversary! We had a really quiet day – our favorite kind. I finished the aforementioned blanket & laid out the squares for the next one.

This is our last week of work before we’re off for Christmas – a thought that simultaneously thrills & terrifies me. There is much to accomplish in the next 10 days! Are you ready?

Sunday, December 9, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Forty-nine

I am heading down to the finish line with these *&^% blankets I’ve been making (don’t mind the cursing – I’ve mostly enjoyed the process this year). Today I finished the last square pattern for two of the blankets (the ones that are Christmas gifts), and I got one of them labeled & ready to join together. Expect to see pictures next week!
Sunday, December 2nd                              
As I mentioned last week, we decorated the tree today.

Monday, December 3rd                                         

I went to the store to get one skein of yarn. But I had a coupon!

Tuesday, December 4th                                             
Ms. Pinky & Rita are doing just fine with their sexy tropical neighbor.

Wednesday, December 5th           
Somebody brought donuts to work!

Thursday, December 6th               
Our new shepherds - & Dr. M noticed that we had the perfect sheep to add to our nativity.

And because Catalyst asked, here is a picture of the books on the shelf below.

Friday, December 7th                                      
Dr. M bought me a present!

Saturday, December 8th                                             

I went to watch Sue’s choir’s cantata. They did a GREAT job – it was a wonderful performance. I also enjoyed sitting in the balcony with my dad.

And here is the reason for the snow shovel – we got about 8 inches of icy snow today (Sunday).

And I already know that I don’t have to go to work tomorrow. Woo hoo! What’s the weather like where you are?

Sunday, December 2, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Forty-eight

This will be short & sweet because I want to play games on my iPad instead of thinking or writing. Yes, I am in full holiday wannabe hermit mode. I jest, a bit – after all I have participated in one holiday party and had a meal with my dad and Sue this weekend. I actually am listening to a really good audio book (Lethal White by Robert Galbraith – aka JK Rowling) & want to get back to it.  
Sunday, November 25th                              
I’ve reached the crocheting during church level of Christmas panic.

Square. Love this design!

Monday, November 26th                                        
This picture proves that there is no pattern so lovely that poor color placement can’t ruin it. Ah well – live & learn!

Tuesday, November 27th                                             
Lovely day! Dr M took this photo while out running errands.

Some of my coworkers put up our Christmas tree at work. As befits our line of furniture, our tree has little fake fur coats on it. Ha!

Wednesday, November 28th           
It was finally cold enough (24 degrees!) to break out the winter gear.

Thursday, November 29th               
Sigh. #thebugparkingbadly

I like this version of the pattern better – inadvertent snowflake!

Our tree is so pretty reflected in our windows. We decorated it tonight (Sunday), so you’ll some photos of it next week.

Friday, November 30th                                      
I finished this angled shawl for my prayer sister – at 11:00 p.m. Whew!

Saturday, December 1st                                            
My mom gave me these Tom Clark nativity pieces many years ago, but somehow I never got the shepherds that go with the set. So we put in a substitute. Pretty much the same, right?

OK, I’m off to finish my book – I hope everyone has a great week!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...