Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Fifty-two. The Last Week!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Dr. M & I took off for the Outer Banks on Wednesday & just got back last night. I have today (Monday) off from work & then head back tomorrow. Which means that (as usual) I probably won’t be awake to welcome the new year. That’s ok – it seems to make itself at home without my felicitations. Although come to think of it, maybe 2018 needed a little nudge from me so that it wouldn’t be so crazy pants.  
Sunday, December 23rd                                
We had two very excellent services at church today. Our pastor decided to have our candlelight service today instead of Christmas Eve & it worked out very well – packed house. It was lovely. This picture is from the nursing home before church – I loved this little vignette in the dining room.

Monday, December 24th                                          
I had to make an emergency yarn run in the morning, but this shawl was finished with hours to spare. Whew!

I think the recipients of my yarny gifts were quite pleased. That’s always gratifying.

After dinner & the gift exchange, we played Trivial Pursuit. I forgot how much I love this game. Dr. M & I won the first round – yay!

Tuesday, December 25th                                             
The blanket for my other nephew & his wife made it to South Korea! I breathed a sigh of relief – it would have been VERY SAD if it had gotten lost.

As we usually do, we spent some time with Dr. M’s side of the family. I didn’t take any photos of his Pop, and I snagged most of these from his cousin.

Wednesday, December 26th           
Off to Nag’s Head!

Thursday, December 27th               
Dr. M took SO MANY great pictures. I may share more of them later this week, but for now I’m just including a sampling. These first ones are mine – I took a break from crocheting (something for me!) to walk on the beach.

Dr. M captured me in action.


That night we had the best pizza from Nags Head Pizza Company! The Mediterranean: mozzarella base with chicken, feta and finished with chopped spinach, roma tomato, cucumber & tzatziki. Pretty & tasty!

Friday, December 28th                                        
Beachy pictures…

Saturday, December 29th                                               
It was a beautiful day! We took a drive to Roanoke Island & had the obligatory seafood lunch (well, I had catfish), and then just drove around for a bit. Then I dropped Dr. M off & went shoe shopping. It was a good day.

Dophin shenanigans.

I’ve been phoning it in on the old blog here for quite a while. I’m not planning to shut it down, and I still plan to post things, but I might not do P365 next year. Or if I do it I might do it very differently. I guess we’ll see what happens next week!


  1. I love to see dolphins and you got a great photo. Happy new year.

  2. I love all your yarn gifts! And I'll say it again, the picture of the dolphins needs to be framed - right alongside the picture of you walking on the beach.

    I love your pizza, but for some reason I'm all worried about the cucumbers...were they put on before or after cooking?

    Oh no, I hope you don't abandon's such a great way to keep up with you!

    1. The pizza was baked then decorated with fresh cucumbers, sauce, etc. No worries!

  3. I get it if you don't want to do it again. it's a big commitment. fun for us but a lot of work for you.

  4. THOSE DOLPHINS!!! That is so cool.
    It is so gratifying to see your hard work appreciated.
    I love that shawl.
    You have inspired me - I really want to try & do a Project 365 myself.

  5. Hey Bug, that Pizza looks amazing, and the dolphins!!! Happy new year to you both. Hope 2019 is a good one.

  6. Happy New Year!
    Glad you got away for a nice vacation together. The shawl is lovely!

  7. The yarn gifts turned out great! I'm so glad that blanket made it all the way to South Korea. Kudos to you for having the bravery to mail it off! I don't blame you at all for considering changing things up on the ol' blog -- we've all got to stay fresh! Just don't go away entirely!

  8. Oh, the beach pics! The waves! My favs-with the horses and the dolphins!
    Seems both of us are changing direction re the blog. . . hmmmm. . . great minds!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...