Sunday, December 2, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Forty-eight

This will be short & sweet because I want to play games on my iPad instead of thinking or writing. Yes, I am in full holiday wannabe hermit mode. I jest, a bit – after all I have participated in one holiday party and had a meal with my dad and Sue this weekend. I actually am listening to a really good audio book (Lethal White by Robert Galbraith – aka JK Rowling) & want to get back to it.  
Sunday, November 25th                              
I’ve reached the crocheting during church level of Christmas panic.

Square. Love this design!

Monday, November 26th                                        
This picture proves that there is no pattern so lovely that poor color placement can’t ruin it. Ah well – live & learn!

Tuesday, November 27th                                             
Lovely day! Dr M took this photo while out running errands.

Some of my coworkers put up our Christmas tree at work. As befits our line of furniture, our tree has little fake fur coats on it. Ha!

Wednesday, November 28th           
It was finally cold enough (24 degrees!) to break out the winter gear.

Thursday, November 29th               
Sigh. #thebugparkingbadly

I like this version of the pattern better – inadvertent snowflake!

Our tree is so pretty reflected in our windows. We decorated it tonight (Sunday), so you’ll some photos of it next week.

Friday, November 30th                                      
I finished this angled shawl for my prayer sister – at 11:00 p.m. Whew!

Saturday, December 1st                                            
My mom gave me these Tom Clark nativity pieces many years ago, but somehow I never got the shepherds that go with the set. So we put in a substitute. Pretty much the same, right?

OK, I’m off to finish my book – I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. The shawl is beautiful. Have a good week!

  2. Hey, if your tree can have a FUR coat, your nativity can have a FURBY :)

  3. Why is it so cold there? We got up to 61 yesterday!
    Lovely tree.

    1. That's my exact same question Nance - what the heck! And we're supposed to have some huge snowstorm this weekend. I don't know why NC has to be acting like Ohio!

  4. Please tell me that after you take the picture, you get back in your car and align it properly in the parking space. It's not like "lather, rinse, repeat." It's "do it until it is straight."

    1. You'll be sad to know that I didn't even notice my parking job until I was walking back to my car. However, I did park at the end of the parking lot & there were plenty of other spaces around me (and much closer to the store).

  5. Some time I'd like to see a picture of those books below the nativity scene. And, yes, Lincoln is a fine addition.

    1. I'll have to get a picture of those books for you. And yes, Joseph DOES look like Lincoln!

  6. where's the baby Jesus or it it that white bundle Mary is clutching. and I do like that square pattern. redo the first one and put a snowflake in the center of that black spot.

    1. Yes, in this set Mary is holding Jesus. He made another version which had a separate Jesus in a manger.

      I might be tempted to redo that square, but there's only one more to go & the blanket gets assembled. I'm pretty sure I'll be too slack to redo it. However, I might change my mind after I lay the squares out.

  7. That is a beautiful shawl! And I noticed Dr. M's birthday card on the mantle above.

  8. Love the lighted tree and reflection.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...