Monday, December 24, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Fifty-One

Well, here is it Christmas Eve & I finished my last gift about an hour ago. I had to run to the store to get another skein of yarn this morning! This has seemed an especially fraught year, and I only made three things! Next year everyone is getting a gift card! Ha! Thank goodness church was EXTRA good yesterday – two different services – or I would be wondering what the point is of all of this. Tomorrow I’ll post our annual poem (courtesy of Dr. M this year), and you’ll see the point too.
Sunday, December 16th                               
Happy that our cantata went well and that it’s OVER for another year.

Dr. M & I went to lunch and saw this little guy when we got home. He was maybe 12 inches long. Cute!

Monday, December 17th                                          
Photo shoot for my first completed blanket, which is even now on its way to South Korea. I hope.

Tuesday, December 18th                                             
I was laughing at myself because I said that I was going to take a hiatus from making blankets & then I bought this book. But, hey, I used border #118 on the other blanket I finished this week!

Wednesday, December 19th           

Thursday, December 20th               
We got a Christmas card that matched Dr. M’s birthday llama!

Friday, December 21st                                       
Sneak peek on the next blanket. I used a less elaborate join on this one (the yarn I used was more expensive than the yarn I used for the other blanket).

Saturday, December 22nd                                              
Blanket # 2 is finished! The border on this one used a stitch called the Crow’s Foot & I never really did get it exactly right. I told my crochet group that it’s good that I think they look like snowflakes since no two of them look alike!

In a couple of hours we’re heading out to spend Christmas Eve with my family. It will be fun to spend time with them, although we’ll miss the South Korea contingent. Last year at this time felt a little uncertain. I’d just accepted a new job, but hadn’t started it yet. And it hasn’t been totally smooth sailing since then. But I have to say that I feel blessed. Dr. M, my family, my job, my health, my new church…blessed. What are you thankful for this season?


  1. there's a lot of squares there that I don't remember seeing you post pictures of. they turned out beautifully. and I like the first couch. I'm grateful I can still haul a ladder around and climb on the roof.

  2. You really are a creative artist with all those wonderful blankets! That fa la llama card is hilarious...

    I'm thankful that my son and his girlfriend came over for Christmas and all the food turned out really good (not being a great cook, I'm always a little nervous).


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...