Sunday, August 19, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Thirty-three

A couple of weeks ago I found a photo poetry prompt site & thought I might start writing again. Have you seen any poetry? No you have not. The days just seem to go by in a blur & the next thing I know it’s Sunday again. Good thing I have these posts so I can at least sort of remember what happened!
Sunday, August 12th                        
From Facebook: I was the lector at church this morning & the scripture was from Psalm 34, which of course made me think of this praise song. I was this | | close to singing it at church, but I just couldn’t do it. However, as we know, on social media #ihavenoshame so here is the car version.

As you may remember from last week, Dr. M has been working his butt off (well, he would have been, but he has no butt) clearing out our rec room/library. He put most of his books on the bookcases and cleared out all the boxes. I moved my Gazelle in there & I really have been using it a lot more since it’s already set up - I've gotten over 10,000 steps every day this week. Next step – treadmill! Anyway, I love these pictures of Dr. M’s books on shelves.

He also took some pictures of a couple of things that his dad made for us – a cedar chest and a checkers/chess set.

Monday, August 13th                                  
Blanket square – my 4th colorway.

Tuesday, August 14th                                                    
My filthy mowing shoes. Not bad for someone who hates actual physical labor!

Wednesday, August 15th      
The only picture I took was of my lunch. That there is a RED HOT MY MOUTH IS ON FIRE Indian veggie burger. Yowza! I ate one again on Friday & made sure I had about a bucket of Greek yogurt to put on it. Ha!

Thursday, August 16th           
The wildness of the wildflower bed.

Friday, August 17th                                  
Got my hair cut – a couple of inches. It had been over a year so I was definitely due!

Geranium photo shoot – Ms. Pinky & Ms. Rita.

Your weekly furniture. I am in love with the Queen Bee chair!

Saturday, August 18th                                       
A few other flowers from around the yard – our peach rose, the monkey grass, and one lone phlox that decided to bloom again.

Dove on the birdbath. Doves make me smile.

I’m the teensiest bit salty that it’s already Sunday night. I have one more hour before I need to start getting ready for bed, and about 20 things I meant to accomplish (mostly housecleaning related). Ah well, they’ll be there again tomorrow. Are you a procrastinator like I am? If not, once you finish cleaning your house, do you think you could head over to mine? Thanks ever so much!


  1. It’s true, your honor...Dr. M has no butt. General Lee! I have no butt!

  2. Nice to hear you - you have a beautiful voice! And even though I loved your hair when it was really short, I like your hair now, too. I might be slightly (OK, a lot) jealous of your hair.

    I'm not very good at housecleaning...we work like crazy on Saturday mornings for about 1 1/2 hours to get everything done. Of course, not everything that should get done does get done in that time period - and it ain't gonna happen during the week. And Sunday, well Sunday is the day of rest. So my house never looks really, totally clean and picked up. Maybe when I retire?

    1. Thanks! I don't know if you should be jealous of my hair - it sort of owns me instead of the other way around.

  3. ...most of his books on the bookcases and cleared out all the boxes.

    A reoccurring battle between my wife and me is over where I get to keep my books. As you may imagine my personal library is quite different from the cook and craft books that dominate my wife's collection. She wants me to store my books in her two large bookcases but the couple of times I did that my stuff ended up mixed in with hers. Frankly, more than a few of my books disappear during those periods so now I keep my books in a much small bookcase on my side of the bed. As battles over "personal space" go between spouses, I admit ours is quite different.

    1. When we moved I got rid of most of my books - I mostly read books on my phone now. We do have a cookbook shelf, but history books are not allowed on there!

  4. Your hair looks lovely!
    Veggie burger and yogourt is a tasty combination; healthy too because of the protein of
    the latter. I usually check also the nr. of calories . I'm a great lover of broccoli, but I have to wash it a lot as it might have either pesticide traces or worms (if it's organically grown), and so, I've given it up lately.

    1. Thanks! And yes, the yogurt on the veggie burger was just the ticket.

  5. I'm a fan of both chairs, but that honeybee detail is special.
    Great haircut. I'm surprised at the length, given that you like to be able to pull it back. I think it is very flattering, however. I wish I had your talent for selfies. Mine always look scary and bigfaced.

    1. I did like the length I had, but it was in DESPERATE need of a trim. I had her cut more than I might have wanted because I wanted the two main layers to be a bit closer together. I figure my hair grows pretty quickly so I'll be back to being Pebbles in no time. Ha!

  6. That queen bee chair is adorable!!!!!
    I love handmade wood things - that chest & game table is beautiful!!!!

    1. Isn't it though? And Dr. M's dad was quite the craftsman back in the day.

  7. I love the furniture your company makes! so quirky. who orders these things? they are so crazy. love your new haircut.

  8. I have an oak blanket chest that my grandpa made from their dining room table when the kids started showing up, and the smaller table just didn't make it any more. I love that he kept the name of the company and all that was on the underside of the table. I hate the thought of having to give that up eventually. Maybe I'll use it as a coffin. Well, except that I've decided to be cremated. Huh.

    Anyway -- the chest and chess set are great, and who doesn't like nice, full bookshelves? What I really like is your nice, full hair. Mine is getting to thin... it's a worry, sort of, but once I stop looking in the mirror, I stop worrying.

    1. That blanket chest sounds really cool - I'd love to see a picture of it!

      P.S. I read your blog, but can never remember my Wordpress login so I haven't commented in a while (I just looked it up - I should be prepared next time!).

  9. One of my requirements when we built our retirement home was to have a library. I LOVE IT! The best thing about retirement (well, except for waking up Monday mornings and not going to work) is that I no longer spend Saturdays cleaning and Sundays cooking for the next week. You can do the chores anytime. But you do still have to do them.

    1. What annoys me is that I could do some of the chores throughout the week - dusting for example. There's no reason I can't dust during commercial breaks while I'm watching baseball. Ha!

  10. Wow that was odd. I just wrote an really
    long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn't appear.

    Grrrr... well I'm not writing all that over again. Anyway, just wanted to say excellent

  11. Your home is really taking shape, looking good.
    So fun to have family-crafted furnishings.
    But I don't know what I'd do with those very unique chairs you sell!

    1. I don't know what I would do with them either! There are some more tame pieces that I would love to have - but we're pretty pricey :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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