Sunday, August 12, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Thirty-two

You know how people say that with all the doctored pictures that people post on social media, if those folks go missing no one will be able to find them because no one really knows what they look like? I don’t think I need to worry about that.
Sunday, August 5th                        
I’m sure I’ve posted this before, but I’m always tickled every time I get to sing this hymn. It’s fun & peppy, and it’s about queens & tea!

Monday, August 6th                                  
I’m so tired of having to put makeup on every morning. I just had to remind myself of why I do it. It’s so I actually look female – ha! And can I just mention the eyebrows? Whoa Nelly! I might need to investigate this “waxing” thing that people do.

This goldfinch thought its reflection was a competitor – ha! It looks like the Mrs. is giving him side eye.

Tuesday, August 7th                                                    

Wednesday, August 8th      
Skink! And Heather the Sheep’s schnoz.

Thursday, August 9th           
Your weekly furniture pic.

I saw this Red Spotted Purple butterfly as I was leaving work – so beautiful!

Meanwhile, Dr. M was watching one of the usual suspects in the back yard.

Friday, August 10th                                  
More flowers – they’re too pretty to be confined to just one day.

Block #15 in my second colorway.

I posted this picture on Instagram & Facebook asking if this mask makes my nose look big (yes!). However, it’s a very disturbing picture to me because it looks like I’m using blackface – yikes!

Saturday, August 11th                                       
Block 15 in my third colorway.   

We had a little visitor – a Ruby Throated Hummingbird! Actually there were two of them, but the male wouldn’t stay still long enough for a photo op.

We have a room in our house that has all of our unopened boxes and extra stuff that has never found a home. We originally planned to use the room for exercising – we’re eventually going to get a treadmill. But my hip issues last year took the wind out of our sails & we just closed the doors to that room & let it be. Until this week. Dr. M has been on a tear! I’m quite impressed with him – and I need to clean out the giant tub in the master bath so he can have a long soak later. Is there anything you’ve been wanting to tackle but couldn’t find a Round Tuit? Here – I’ll give you one now. Ha!


  1. Too funny about the Round Tuit... (don't get me started on my long list of things I want to/should tackle!

    The mask doesn't make your nose look big - the camera angle does. Any wide angle lens (and cell phones are wide angle!) will do that. And I think you always look gorgeous!

    I have no makeup routine. I use tinted moisturizer and a little bronzer on the days I go to work. Any more than that and I feel twitchy. It's a good thing I work in a casual environment.

    1. I REALLY want to have a no makeup routine. But it's just too scary to my own self when I look in the mirror (and there was that time that I didn't wear makeup to a church meeting & someone asked if I was ok).

  2. We have things stored in boxes that were moved simply because they were moved before and once before that. We had planned to work on them when we moved here (twelve years ago) and never got round tuit. So now we have decided the boxes will be a nice surprise for our kids.

    1. Hmm - we don't have kids. I wonder if my nephews would be the ones to have to sort it all out? Poor kids. Should I warn them?

  3. Eyebrows...sigh. I do my own, and I hate it. Why can't the hair on my head grow in as thick and luxurious as my eybrow hair does, and as quickly, too?

    1. My eyebrows are now CURLY. What the heck? I would love to have curly hair. I guess I should have been more specific.

  4. It took years to deal with all the boxes after we moved out here. and now a year after the flood I have boxes sitting around again. mostly the sewing and craft supplies and games and puzzles from when the grandkids were not grown. what to do with that stuff?

    1. We have similar things that we moved down here & now we're wondering if we should even keep them. Some of that stuff feels like it was from another life entirely.

  5. I had never heard of a round tuit and had to Google it to learn that it's been around since the 1964 World's Fair!

    1. My dad loves round tuits, so I've known about them for quite a while :)

  6. Ha ha! You're too funny! Love it!
    Wonder if I'll ever get Round TUIT--cleaning my writing area; dealing with all the stuff in the attic???

    1. Rita - none of that sounds fun. I think I'd use my Round Tuit for something more entertaining :)

  7. LOL ... that's a good thought about all the doctored up social media photos/selfies.

    I enjoyed the glimpse of your life.


  8. A "round tuit" -- ha!! I kind of like the au naturale eyebrows!

    1. I'm glad you like the eyebrows - they're not likely to change any time soon :)

  9. My dad gave me a round TUIT decades ago. It would have been in the '60s, I'm sure. I didn't know they arrived with the NY World's Fair. Our high school band went there to play. If I'd know, I could have brought a TUIT to my dad.

    I always like all the critters and flowers you have around. I really like that skink. I'd like to have a skink, but all I get are little lizards. They're cute enough, but when you've seen one, you've seen the hundred or so that are roaming around. A skink would vary things up a bit.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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