Sunday, August 5, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Thirty-one

Let’s just get this out of the way right now – how can it already be August? I know, I say that every month, but sheesh.
Sunday, July 29th                        
My aunt’s great-granddaughter sometimes comes with her to Brian Center. She’s a cutie!

Another square, in what is turning into my favorite colorway. However, this particular square is much busier than I thought it would be.

Monday, July 30th                                  
I had to work outside for a while today (under “other duties as assigned”) and it was hot. This was during a break.                

Tuesday, July 31st                                                    
I’m notoriously bad at it, but today I slayed at parallel parking! People on Facebook were skeptical because the picture looks like I just pulled in there; however this was taken as I was getting ready to leave. I swear there were cars in the spaces on either side of me when I parked!

Battered spicebush swallowtail on our morning glory.

Wednesday, August 1st     
Furniture from work. It’s interesting how when I got closer to take the detail picture it went from pewter to gold.

Thursday, August 2nd          
Goldfinches on the cosmos.

That might be the last picture of them there this year – the era of cosmos has passed and now it’s time for painted daisies and asters!

I think I went overboard in my effort to not repeat the “busyness” of the last square.

Friday, August 3rd                                 
I was channeling my inner Pebbles at work today.

I had to laugh at this screen for a program at work today – let’s all just wave goodbye to the patriarchy!

Dr. M bought some ginormous peaches & tomatoes today!

I did another of those "what would you look like as the opposite sex" things today & darn it I still look like my brother. Ha! (I'm on the left, in case you're wondering.)

Saturday, August 4th                                       
More asters – they’re going to be lovely!

My first square in the next pattern. This is just a teaser – it hasn’t been blocked yet.

I’ve been trying to figure out how I can finagle a job where I get a three day weekend. Even just once a month would be great. Of course, if I was better at time management I wouldn’t need an extra day. But who wants to manage their time on the weekend?! How about you – are you productive on your days off? (I realize that many of my readers are retired – to you I say “pah!”)


  1. Cute, indeed! And the four little front teeth are lovely!

  2. These dog days of summer, I'm happy that none of my "other duties as assigned" involve anything outdoors.

    ...interesting how when I got closer to take the detail picture it went from pewter to gold the dress blue or gold? Does it sound like "Laurel" or "Yanni?" Are you the one who's making up those Facebook things that go viral???

    Those are some giant peaches and tomatoes! Where did Dr. M buy them, the nuclear plant? :-p

  3. Yes, I had to be productive on my days off. Saturday was devoted to housekeeping that was neglected the rest of the week. For many years Sunday afternoons were spent making meals to freeze for dinners the upcoming week. Now that I have retired, I refuse to be productive on weekends. It's MY TIME to knit, read, talk with friends, etc. My husband grills on Saturday and Sunday evenings so I don't even cook. Retirement is just as great as I had always hoped.

    1. I pretty much am unproductive on the weekends too - which is why my house gets cleaned every other week. Ha!

  4. I don't know who the gentleman in the first picture is, but H used to have a shirt just like that. Congrats on your parallel parking. My hat is off to you. I don't think I have depth perception. That's my excuse. Your flowers are beautiful. I can't believe it's August either. Crazy.

  5. Before Retirement, I was plenty Productive on weekends. Resentfully so. Now I spread out my Productivity all week. So much more relaxing!

    1. I wish I would spread my productivity out. A half hour of house cleaning each day would net me a weekend of crocheting!

  6. I wish I could see some of that furniture in the houses of the people who order it. as for time management, I'm great at wasting time. but since any restrictions on it are ones I put on, hey, no biggie.

    1. Me too! I need to get a shot of one of the pieces in its new home.

  7. That's funny no one believed you really didnt just pull in there. No one would believe I could park normal/straight myself. i'm horrible in my car.

    1. I seriously have an issue with straight lines of any kind - can't draw them, can't walk on one, can't park between two of them... Ha!

  8. ...I slayed at parallel parking!

    I'm leaving the teaching of parallel parking to my daughter to the professional driving school my wife and I are sending her. I simply don't have the talent for it.

  9. Parallel parking-ughhh
    Time management, what's that?
    Interesting gold furniture.
    Matches the first crochet square, last pic, has a gold sheen.


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