Sunday, July 29, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Thirty

As soon as I finish writing this post I'm going to clean the house. So I shall type v e r y   s l o w l y...
Sunday, July 22nd                       
As I mentioned last week, I joined my church today. I was tickled to get a comma pin - because God is still speaking!

Monday, July 23rd                                 
The only picture from today is a recipe. I haven’t tried it yet, but it sounds pretty yummy.

Tuesday, July 24th                                                   
More “interesting” furniture from work.

Block #14 in my first colorway.

Wednesday, July 25th    
I had to laugh when I saw this on a friend’s Facebook wall – I took that picture of the sky after I read it. Should I be worried?

One of the neighborhood dogs got loose. Such a menace galoot. Ha!

Thursday, July 26th         
I was trying to decide if I liked my hair pulled back like this. I guess it’s ok; however, when my hair gets long enough to pull back I start mostly wearing it pulled back because it annoys me. Might be time for a trim!

Oh that Morning Glory…

Friday, July 27th                                
All day I’d been telling people at work that I was going to go home & mow. And then I came home & Dr. M had mowed. Winning! Isn’t he the best?

Block 14 in my second colorway.

Saturday, July 28th                                       
Today we went on a ramble. Here we are at lunch at the Copper Penny Grille in Forest City – they had pennies as part of their décor (you can see some behind my head). The food was great – I had the fish tacos.

We drove through Lake Lure – where some of Dirty Dancing was filmed. We spent part of our honeymoon there 27 ½ years ago. It looked just a bit different in December. Ha!

Once again I wrote this while watching Braves baseball. After losing two games to the Dodgers it looks like they might win this one. We shall see. Also, Chipper Jones gets inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame today. So far it looks like a good day to be a Braves fan. Is anything making your day special?


  1. I like your hair pulled back. But the important (and deciding) factor is what YOU like. Not much to make my day special. Just enjoying the quiet day and lovely sunshine.

    1. Thanks! And yes, I'll defer to Dr. M within reason, but in the end I usually just do what I want to with my hair :)

  2. That recipe looks good - I'm tempted. How many muffins does it make - 6 or 12? And you add fresh berries after the mixture has been added to the tins? How much? (I'm a cook who needs detailed instructions). If you make it, let me know!

    I'm afraid that "interesting" furniture might start bleating at me if I were to wonder into the living room in the middle of the night!

    1. That is an EXCELLENT question! I have no idea. I think it depends on how big you want your muffin - our Weight Watchers leader makes mini muffins out of them. I do know that you definitely add the berries once the batter is in the tins.

  3. I remember watching the Braves on Ted Turner's channel back when it was called WTCG. Back then they occupied the cellar most of the time.

    1. Yep. I became a fan the "worst to first" year - but that was just a coincidence because it was shortly after I got married & watching the games was something we enjoyed doing together.

  4. The dog and sheep photo is hilarious. You have nice, healthy hair. It always looks good. Your morning glory is very pretty.

    1. Thanks! And yes, King was very funny checking Heather out :)

  5. Are you sure that's a Comma and not a Wave? Just wondering.
    I hate fish, and those fish tacos looked good, even to me!
    I love that line of trees!

    1. Ooh - maybe it IS a wave! Although the UCC slogan is something about a comma... Perhaps their graphic artist got carried away. Ha!

  6. OMG!!! what kind of a person would order those chairs!

  7. I like the comma pin! What a great idea. I've never been to Lake Lure but I remember hearing about it -- maybe from "Dirty Dancing," actually.

    1. There's not really much at Lake Lure - the lake and the lodge, basically. Although it's not far from Chimney Rock & Asheville.

  8. Copied the recipe!~ Looks good.
    Dog and lamb encounter, LOL.


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