Sunday, July 8, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Twenty-seven

Ah well, vacation is over & the new work week is about to begin. In fact, Dr. M & I went to the plant today to turn the air back on so that when the workers get there at 7:00 tomorrow morning it won’t be 90 degrees in the building.
Sunday, July 1st                      
My dad always cracks me up how he dresses up for the holidays. He was so cute that I almost didn’t mind that he made this alto try to sing soprano on the Star Spangled Banner.

Blanket update – my 4th colorway.

Monday, July 2nd                               
Today we drove about an hour and a half to Beech Mountain, and into a whole new climate – bliss! These are the things we could see from the condo balcony.

Tuesday, July 3rd                                                  
Dr. M pulled a muscle in his back getting the luggage out of the car, so we spent most of our time relaxing in the condo (and who wouldn’t want to with that view?). However, we did get out a couple of times. This was just a bit further up the hill behind the condo.

This was part of the condo décor. My Instagram caption: Sometimes we’re all just pawns in the game of life. #wherestherestofthechessset #feelingsilly

Wednesday, July 4th    
Today we stayed in and it was fabulous. We had a very American meal of hotdogs & beer (for Dr. M) & listened to excellent live music on the balcony. It was so cool I had to wear a hoodie! (P.S. I remind myself of Ally Sheedy in the Breakfast Club in this picture – hilarious.) (P.P.S. we were on the balcony – the live music was down the hill somewhere.)

Thursday, July 5th         
Today we drove to Roan Mountain. It was a lovely day! And once again, I was a bit flummoxed trying to get a selfie of the two of us – I’m so short!

On the way back we stopped at a Mexican restaurant. They had excellent food, but I wasn’t too sure about the placement of the full length mirror in the bathroom. Yes, I know. I have no shame.

Friday, July 6th                                
Headed home today & my mood matched my banana. Ha!

During the drive home we drove through torrential rain & high wind – I would not have been surprised to see a cow fly by (like in Twister). Thank goodness for Dr. M’s steady hands & steely nerves! When we got home we discovered that our two neighbor ladies had teamed up to mow our yard for us! I almost cried with gratitude.

Saturday, July 7th                                      
I woke up at 4:00 in the morning & couldn’t go back to sleep. So I basically was a zombie all day. Thank goodness Dr. M was more on the ball & got pictures of our wildflowers – still going strong!

How was your week? Did you feel as conflicted as I did on the 4th? I’m not sure I felt very celebratory. However, as the columnist Connie Shultz said, “It’s our America too.”


  1. That is NOT where I want a full-length bathroom mirror. WTF? This year's Independence Day was not only oddly placed in the week, it was an odd-feeling holiday, as you said. Usually we are in Canada; this year, we couldn't get those dates at our usual inn. I'm glad the week is over.

    1. I was definitely taken aback by that mirror - what the heck!

  2. The view from that balcony is beautiful. Sorry about Dr. M pulling a muscle at the beginning of your vacation. Hope he's feeling better.
    LOL about the bathroom pic.

    1. He is feeling a lot better. We really enjoyed the balcony.

  3. glad you had a good vacation but try taking less stuff next time! re the 4th, nothing to celebrate as long as Trump is in office.

    1. Yeah, as Dr. M says below - we didn't even wear half of what we took. Ha!

  4. Yeah, that is not a good location for a mirror.

    Why is your banana in French? C'est bizarre!

  5. Thanks, y’all! Ellen is right...way more clothes than needed, lol...and it was the suitcase, or rather the way I removed it from the Bugly (our vintage 2004 Pontiac Aztek), that did me in. Still, what a great view looking east to the Blue Ridge! The furniture was comfortable, as were the temps, there were birds, flowers, and the occasional was a lovely, relaxing week. Live music courtesy of Mile High Tavern (technically not a mile high, but the ski slope above it is...our condo was about 4700ft).

  6. Hanging around the condo, enjoying the lovely view and great weather sounds like a vacation to me. Add music you can hear from your balcony and it's perfect. (Of course you might need a book or two.) So glad you had a good time in spite of the back strain.

    1. I did do some reading, but I also spent a lot of time crocheting. Fun!

  7. Relaxing in a condo with a view like that sounds like a fantastic vacation to me.

    Yeay for nice neighbors!

  8. On vacation now, and dreading the return to Columbia at the end of the week.

    1. Yeah - I saw that on your blog (although I haven't had time to read your post). Have fun!

  9. It rained on the 4th, and people celebrated anyway. I can't go along with the thought that there's nothing good about our nation, or nothing to celebrate just because this person or that is in office. I'm no particular fan of President Trump, but he can't take away my love of my country, or my pride in its people.

    1. That's what Ms. Shultz meant, I think - and I agree. Although it's hard to celebrate when you feel so depressed.

  10. You are too cute!
    Those deer are beautiful!
    Glad you got away for awhile.


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