Sunday, July 22, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Twenty-nine

I had a much better week last week. I’m getting used to working again – ha!
Sunday, July 15th                       
I’ve been taking monthly pictures of the big tree in our back yard. I’ve been planning to wait and do one post with twelve photos. But this is the only picture we took today, so I edited it to be all moody so it will look different when I do The Tree Post.

Monday, July 16th                                 
Dr. M was monitoring our rain situation & discovered that the Grinch had come to town!


Tuesday, July 17th                                                   
Another piece of furniture from work. It was a crazy busy week – we had a huge order that went out on Friday & everyone worked really hard to make it happen.

Wednesday, July 18th    
Morning glories still going strong.

Another sofa just because I think it’s really cool. However, it’s HUGE. I sat on it & my feet basically stuck straight out in front of me I probably looked like Edith Ann. Ha!

Thursday, July 19th         
The goldfinches on our wildflowers just makes my day. Dr. M is the one who gets the pictures, but I’ve actually seen them myself a few times.

Mr. Roy has taken to sitting in a chair in his back yard, just like a real person. Ha!

Square number 13 in all four of my colorways.

Friday, July 20th                                
I decided to join the church I’ve been attending. The pastor and his wife like to have new members over for dessert & we did s’mores! They were fabulous. We also played corn hole, which was not so fabulous. As I announced on Facebook, I super suck at corn hole.

Saturday, July 21st                                       
Monday is the 29th anniversary of our first kiss, so we went out to eat. Well, actually, we were going to go get groceries, but decided to have dinner first & came up with a reason to celebrate. I told Dr. M that it was a good thing I was the designated driver because that margarita was as big as his head!

It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon. Well, I am doing laundry, and I just watched Max Scherzer get a hit against the Braves pitcher. What the heck. So how are you guys doing?


  1. Providing dessert for new members? That's one way to increase membership, LOL.

    Your couches are too unusual for me, but I'm looking for one that's wide enough to make me look like Edith Ann, because I want to be able to lie down on it, along with my husband. Basically, what I want is a queen-size bed for the living room.

    Dr. M's margarita looks delicious!

    1. They make very high end custom stuff...we often wonder what kind of people buy their furniture 😂😂

    2. A queen sized bed in the living room sounds like a GREAT idea!

  2. Had another scan (a PET scan this time) scheduled for 7pm! Fortunately they had a cancellation and I got to go at 2:30 instead. So that took up most of our lazy Sunday afternoon. The PET scanner is brought to the hospital only on certain days. Hence the Sunday appointments.

    Cannot believe the size of that drink. Cheers Dr. M!

    1. Believe it or not, that rita was a Jumbo...their medium size! Wishing you wellness, my friend 💞

    2. I hope the scan shows good results!

  3. Tiger Woods led the British Open for a couple of holes today but faded on the back 9 and ended up tied for 6th. But he became the 50th best player in the world and qualified for a tournament in two weeks. Beware the Big Cat.

    And the Diamondbacks won, breaking a two-game losing streak.

    That big tree is sort of what SWMBO has been painting on our fence. Pictures in due time.

    That picture of the dog in the chair is a scream!

    I enjoy your Weekly Readers!

    1. Tiger played the best he has in five years or more! Fun to watch. Roy the dog is so funny 😆

    2. I can't wait to see the fence update!

  4. ...the Grinch had come to town

    LOL!!! It took me a second but yeah, it does look like the Grinch.

  5. Dogs On Chairs! Love it. Zydrunas has his very own chair at home on his balcony. Do NOT try to sit on it.

    I love toasted marshmallows. So glad you had that as your New Member Dessert.

    1. Roy is such a sweet, funny boy 💞

    2. Marshmallows are a favorite of mine in any form - fluff, Phish Food, straight from the bag...

  6. Ernie sits like that in the chair too. Booger!
    I tried taking a picture every day of our tree in our front yard to try & do a cool time lapse thing. I did it for like 2 months & then was like MEH :) haha

    1. It’s so funny to look up the hill and see Roy sitting like that! He’s a very sweet boy 😍

    2. Yeah - I'm not sure my tree project will amount to much - especially because the time of day I've been taking it has been horrible for the light.

  7. your blog but Dr. M makes all the replies. I plan to get back to work this week, pull out my model making stuff and get busy.

    1. 😂😂 I also take a lot of pics. The going to work everyday thing wears her out...

    2. I'm not a s'mores fan, but those look a little fancy. I like strawberries... and chocolate and graham crackers. It's the marshmallow that I'm not crazy about. I was telling H about my mother's candied yams today. She put marshmallows on top and browned them under the broiler. I was not a fan, but she was a great cook otherwise.

      I'm crazy about goldfinches. So pretty and delicate.

      Mr. Roy cracks me up.

    3. Ellen - Ha! It took me a while, but I got here. I should probably put him on here as a co-author since he really does take most of the pictures :)

      BB - I LOVE marshmallows! And that's the only way I would eat candied yams - ha!

  8. Kissaversary, how sweet!
    Thos morning glories, WOW!
    Rare furniture, indeed!


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