Sunday, July 1, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Twenty-six

Two weeks in a row people – could this be a new pattern of timeliness? I wouldn’t count on it – I am nothing if not random. I like order AND chaos, so who knows what might happen on any given week.
Sunday, June 24th                     
Daylily update – these are our neighbor’s. Thank you very much Sandy for the gorgeousness!

Monday, June 25th                              
Wildflower update. They’ve had a crazy week – wind & rain – but they bounce back and appear to be plotting a takeover of the world. I’m ok with that.

We had an order for 15 of these chairs & ottomans – they were TRICKY. I was proud of our folks for getting them out the door on time.

Blanket update – my first colorway. Halfway through!

Tuesday, June 26th                                                 
Second colorway. For some reason I can’t seem to capture the true colors on this one – a nice silvery gray, light blue & black. Hopefully I can get a good picture of the finished blanket in December.

Wednesday, June 27th    
I’d been thinking about Sunday’s sermon all week & decided to share this quote.

Big rain caused a number of trees to fall over. This one fell across the road in front of our house. Fortunately we have a circle drive, so folks were able to use it to go around. Also fortunately, the local volunteer fire department came over to help clear the road.

Meanwhile, I was taking a picture of another cool chair from work.

Thursday, June 28th         
No picture! But we watched one of my favorite musicals & I took some terrible videos of a couple of my favorite scenes. I won’t inflict those on you. Just go here – it always makes me smile.

Friday, June 29th                                
Lunch date for Mr. and Mrs. Goldfinch.

I was incensed – this isn’t really a word is it? But maybe it should be – maybe it’s where I live!

Saturday, June 30th                                      
We had dinner with one of Dr. M’s colleagues and his son – it was nice sitting there like a lump while they discussed a wide range of historical subjects. The son was just as smart as the professors – it was a wee bit intimidating. But fun – and just like old times.

Finally, here is my third colorway. It might be my favorite – but you never really know until you get them all assembled and the border put on.

Dr. M & I are heading to the mountains tomorrow – woo hoo! I think we were all ready for a break at work. Hopefully we go back next week refreshed & ready to work hard. Do you have any plans for this holiday week?


  1. The first chair and ottomans make me think of Alice In Wonderland--they're very Mad Hatter and tea party-ish. And sort of Tim Burton-ish. I can see Johnny Depp in costume sitting on that chair.

    ...with cake. Definitely with cake.

    1. That must be why I like them - I must be imagining the cake I would be eating while sitting in one. Ha! I mentioned to one of our execs that they were fabulous, but a bit much & he said to imagine them in a white room.

  2. Enjoy the mountains. We'll be hiding out at home.

    1. We would be hiding out if we weren't headed to the hills. Too dang hot!

  3. ... but they bounce back and appear to be plotting a takeover of the world. I’m ok with that.

    That reminds me of a movie called, "The Happening." By the guy who did "The Sixth Sense", essentially the plants get tired of humans and decided to get rid of us. Think a non-nuclear, ecologically friendly Skynet.

    1. I read a sci-fi book one time where the planet was baking under direct sunlight & a scientist was experimenting with having plants save the world - except the plants took over & started choking off the human life. It was pretty claustrophic to read!

  4. I'm loving all three of these colorways. and you have some cool wildflowers in that mix. those are some very cool chairs. what does the company you work for do again?

    1. We build furniture from the ground up - build frames, add springs, finish the frames, cut & sew the cushions & upholster, add the brass nails, etc. It's mostly custom furniture where the customer picks out every aspect of the piece. Takes quite a while to go from order to shipping.

  5. Have a great trip to the mountains! The flowers look great (both your and your neighbors') and that furniture is very UNUSUAL!

  6. Ahh....about those chairs and ottomans....I hope you were paid in full before you made them. (Said the guy whose wardrobe consists entirely of T-shirts.) ;)

    1. Ha! I'm pretty sure the upholsterers thought the same thing you did about that furniture.

  7. I will be enjoying our granddaughter who is visiting. Oh, and her parents who brought her here. I do love your crochet pieces. My knitting muse has fled but I hope she will return before cold weather. Enjoy the mountains and have a relaxing time.

    1. I hope you have a great time! Knitting (like blogging) should not be a chore - I'm sure you'll get back to it once it sounds like something fun to do. Enjoy your granddaughter!

  8. Yeah, what Scott said about the furniture. I'm always all about neutral colors, because I'm too scared to make any fashion mistakes. My girlfriend once said I'm all about white and khaki, like it was a bad thing.

    Love all your flowers! And have fun on your trip to the mountains.

    1. Thanks! I like white & khaki - but I seem to get food or dirt or I don't know what all on light colored clothing. I need a bib, apparently!

  9. For a whole assortment of reasons I've fallen entirely behind, so I'm using my 4th of July to get caught up with what's going on around BlogWorld. When I first saw those chairs and ottomans, I thought I'd been gone entirely too long and something awful had happened to you and the good Dr. M. But, no. They're for someone else. I know you like color and whimsey, but still...Quite apart from anyone imagining those, I think it's amazing that your company could build them. My goodness. Envisioning them in a white room made me feel better.

    Your birdies and flowers are wonderful. We've had that dastardly heat, too, but it broke with a vengeance and six inches of rain last night and today. Now, the sun's coming out, and I can hear all of our little flowers saying, "Thank you!"

    1. Ha! Those chairs & ottomans were a sight to behold. I think this company is putting them in their showroom. I would love to see where they end up.

      Glad you got rain!

  10. Your wildflowers are so pretty and so are Sandy's lilies. Fifteen of those chairs? Must be a business. Our weather has been horrible: hot and humid. But all that changed today. It was beautiful. 70s all morning and 80s this afternoon and low humidity. We sat out back and read. Heaven.

    1. It was MUCH cooler here when we got back from the mountains - we had a monsoon & that apparently shoved the hot weather down the road for a bit.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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