Sunday, March 17, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Eleven

We have entered the season of wearing a coat in the morning only to forget to bring it home from work & then having to shiver on the way to work the next day because we refuse to take yet another coat sacrifice to the office. Or is that just me? Note: I LOVE this season because forgetting my coat means it’s warm on my way home!
Sunday, March 10th                                    
Dr. M was out & about & found some sheep. Some things never change.

Monday, March 11th               
The lady who did the altar flowers at church on Sunday sent them home with me to cheer Dr. M up. Lovely!

Tuesday, March 12th                                              

Wednesday, March 13th                                              
An exchange between Dr. M and me. The thing is, we don’t even own a cat!

Thursday, March 14th                                                   
Flowers from around the yard: forsythia, henbit, phlox, and those tiny little blue flowers that I can never remember.

Friday, March 15th                                                    
Dr. M’s post pi-day breakfast. Peach – it was good ya’ll!

Saturday, March 16th   
We borrowed my dad’s truck to run an errand. I had no idea it was so technologically advanced!

Dr. M made this Avocado Hummus for my church potluck. It was tasty!

Dr. M put olive oil on the pole of the crook where we have our front yard bird feeder. The squirrels had finally discovered it. While we’re fine with them using the back yard feeder (see an upcoming Wordless Wednesday post for evidence), we wanted this one to just be for the birds. At the beginning of the video you can hear Dr. M’s maniacal laughter. A little later you can hear me talking & it makes me a little sad how yankee I sound. Ha!

I’m looking forward to the day when I don’t even wear a coat to work, much less forget & leave it there. Shortly thereafter will be a string of posts where I complain about hot I am. And thus continues the Circle of (Bug) Life. Do you have a similar Circle in your life? Do tell!


  1. All Squirrel Entertainment is priceless. Thanks for the glimpses of Spring. It is snowing here in NEO today. I am despondent.

  2. I've run out of bird seed but when I get more I'm definitely going to try oiling the pole. and that couch. snakeskin. we had a plastic couch in the playroom that was textured and leopard print. from across the room it looked real. it was a special order and the lady who ordered it was horrified when it was ready. my mother found it in the bargain basement of the department store. it eventually ended up at the beach house. we kept that thing until the plastic was so old and brittle and split that it was painful to sit on.

  3. Is that couch like a SNAKE SKIN print? That's very IN right now :)

  4. Those flowers your brought home to cheer Dr. M are beautiful. I was so out of the loop on pi Day, but I'll be on the ball next year. That peach pie looks yummy!

  5. I'm enjoying spring, the cool mornings but warm afternoons are nice.

  6. That squirrel is FUNNY. I be he/she is very confused. I haven't had peach pie in ages!

  7. Annual seasons, like a circle of Koch-life, appearing in Facebook memories: robotics competitions, snow on first day of spring, colds and flu. . . every year?

  8. We had those tiny little blue flowers in Germany, we called them thunderstorm flowers. As kids, we believed if we picked them there would be a thunderstorm. So we were afraid to pick them, because we thought thunderstorms were really horrible (because our mom was terrified of thunderstorms).


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...