Sunday, March 3, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Nine

I have nothing to say here. Let’s just proceed!
Sunday, February 24th                                  
After church we had a baby shower for our pastor and his wife – they’re expecting twins! The theme of the shower was books & they got a good haul. Also, the two cakes were adorable.

Meanwhile, Dr. M had a visit from the Roy.

Monday, February 25th               
Dr. M got me flowers for my birthday! Like everything else we do, he gave them to me just a bit early.

Tuesday, February 26th                                              
Our daffodils finally started blooming.

I wore (what I thought was) a cute outfit today & when my cousin had to cancel our after work walk I spent some time in the bathroom trying to get a picture to send her. Ha!

Wednesday, February 27th                                              
I had a second mammogram because they saw something suspicious on the first one. This is pretty much par for the course for me so I’ve stopped freaking out about it. Once again, there were no issues upon second review.

Dr. M put some of our daffodils into my birthday bouquet – pretty!

Thursday, February 28th                                                   
We went ahead & moved our calendars to March and I thought it would be funny to text Dr. M a picture of me kissing a sheep. Please excuse my freshly washed face and my goodness what is UP with those eyebrows!

Friday, March 1st                                                   
We’ve been watching a lot of Carolina Hurricanes hockey (while impatiently waiting for baseball). They started a new fun ritual after a winning home game that they call the storm surge. Go here to see one of my favorites. This one is fun too. Anyway, some muckety muck called them a bunch of jerks for this celebration (because heaven forbid an athlete ever show that they’re happy to win a game). So we have embraced the bunch of jerks & long story short we have t-shirts.

Saturday, March 2nd  
I spent the day cleaning (with a brief break to visit with Daddy & Sue), and decided that I needed some flowers for the mantle. It’s been so much fun having our very own daffodils

Today was my birthday, but we got a call this morning that Dr. M’s brother was gravely ill in the hospital. We took his dad to the hospital for a visit, and actually left feeling a little less alarmed. He is in serious condition, and there is a big risk of blood clots, but there’s also a chance that he can pull through this crisis like he has so many others (beginning with rheumatic fever when he was 8 years old). So my day was spent with family, but a little more subdued than we had planned. I’m grateful for all my birthdays now!


  1. First of all, let me wish you a happy birthday again - and so sorry that it was marred by your brother-in-law's illness and hospital stay. Happy wishes to you, and speedy healing to your brother-in-law!

    I love all the flowers, and I think your Tuesday outfit looks very cute.

    I had to go back for a re-check after a routine mammogram once - it was very difficult not to freak out. Glad everything turned out OK for you, too.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes - we shall see!

  2. Love that Hockey fun! Especially since I see that Nino Niederreiter is there now, he was on our Portland Winterhawks team. (Wandered here via Steve's Shadows & Light)

    1. I love Nino's name - sometimes we start chanting it when he does something during the game. Ha!

  3. I think that cow is very lucky to get a kiss from you. So glad your mammogram is A-Okay! It's that time of year for me again, too. I received a reminder in the mail last week. If your daffodils are blooming, ours shouldn't be far behind. I hope. Happy Birthday!!! You still look like a kid to me. :)

  4. Happy Birthday! So glad to see that cake is back in your post, and twice, too.
    I have really started to love daffodils, and have made an entry in my calendar to plant bulbs in the fall so that I can have some pop up in random places in my back garden Spring 2020.
    (BTW--we're in another Polar Plunge here in OH. Enjoy your Escape!)

    1. Yes - and there shall be cake again next week!

  5. So glad the mammograms come back OK on those second scans. you'd think they'd just do a more thorough one the first time knowing this the norm.
    I am LOVING your shirt from your outfit - where did you find that???

    1. I got that at Belks - do you have those where you are? It was actually called a DRESS if you can believe it - ha!

  6. Yikes! I'm sorry to hear about Dr. M's brother. I hope all goes well on that front. Happy birthday to you, and I love your birthday bouquet -- especially those big pink chrysanthemums!

    1. Yes - those are my favorite part of the bouquet too - so lush!

  7. I love your daffodils. Every year I tell myself I must plant daffodil and tulip bulbs. And every year the fall goes by and I haven't done it. But I do buy them rather cheaply at the grocery store so I have some in the house. Glad to hear the brother-in-law is on the mend.

    1. After enjoying these flowers for a week I've decided that we need to start having fresh flowers in the house ALL THE TIME. So lovely.

  8. I'd love to have tulips and daffodils, but there are two big obstacles: I don't have a yard, and I don't have the patience that apparently is needed to baby them down here. Most years, it's just too warm for them to do well, although we've been colder this year.

    Happy birthday to you! I do hope things are going well with Dr. M's brother. You're right that circumstances like lead to pondering just how great every birthday is!

    1. Hmmm... my comment on your earlier post went to moderation. Did you change your settings, or is Blogger being wonky again? I know some people have been having trouble since the Google+ changes were made.

    2. Sorry for the moderation issues - it's fixed now!

  9. I love all of your flowers and I'm sending good vibes for Dr. M's brother.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...