Sunday, March 10, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Ten

It was cold and rainy this week – AND we had SNOW on Friday. The nasty weather seemed to suit our mood because Dr. M’s brother passed away on Wednesday morning. He had rallied earlier in the week, but in the end he left us. As I said on Facebook, he was a brilliant, complicated, Rhyne-stubborn, generous, and funny man. We will miss his irascible self.
Sunday, March 3rd                                    
My birthday! I came home early from church and we went to take Dr. M’s father to the hospital. My father-in-law has always had one or two outside cats, but he has quite a few now. Here are three of the five that I saw that day. As I said last week, they had a good visit with Dr. M’s brother. (Dr. M & his father had a good visit - not the cats!)

Monday, March 4th               
My coworkers gave me a cake for my birthday – yum!

We had a visitor – such a princess!

Tuesday, March 5th                                              
Dr. M had another good visit with his brother this day. Meanwhile. I wandered around the office looking like this for who knows how long. Sheesh.

Wednesday, March 6th                                              
We lost Dr. M’s brother today. Here is a picture of my father-in-law and his two sons.

Thursday, March 7th                                                   
No picture.

Friday, March 8th                                                    
Bird action. The goldfinches are getting brighter!

I left work early today to go do some cleaning at my father-in-law’s house. He is pretty much ready for any fly situation.

Saturday, March 9th   
Dr. M’s brother was adamant about not wanting a funeral, but the family wanted to do something, so we had a receiving line of sorts where folks could offer condolences to the family. It turned out very well.

This was a hard week. We’re on the other side now, but there is still a lot for Dr. M to do. His brother had been the primary support for his father. Dr. M has taken over many of the tasks since we moved back home, but there were still things that his brother handled. This means that Dr. M will basically be running two households and that perhaps I shall have to step up to the plate and do more things around our house. See how I turned this into something for me to complain about? It’s a special talent of mine. One good thing about this situation is that we’re not part of sandwich generation – no kids to worry about!


  1. Again, my condolences on the loss of Dr. M's brother. I'm sure you are all glad you got to spend some good time with him before he passed away.

  2. The winter of 2018-2019 has seemed especially Unkind, full of burdens, trials, and loss for so many who I know as well as myself. This run has to be done soon. At least you sneaked in a little cake!

  3. they do that, rally a day or two before they die. my condolences. and happy birthday!

  4. So glad your otherwise sad weekend was brightened by CAKE! And chocolate cake at that!

  5. Tough week, I'm sure. But you have posted some great pictures. Especially the one of the three cats. (You knew I'd say that, didn't you?)

  6. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry to hear about Dr. M's brother. It feels weird to add "happy belated birthday" to that, but I hope you did have a good one. And that is a very fancy dog!

  7. Dana, I don't know how I missed this post. I'm an airhead sometimes. My condolences to you and Dr. M and his father. I'm so sorry. It's very hard to lose a sibling.

  8. It is very hard to lose a sibling, yes...he had survived trials and tribulations, so we thought he would pull through again. Still hard to believe he’s gone, but comforting to know he suffers no longer. Thank you all for your condolences and thoughts!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...