Sunday, May 5, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Eighteen

Rachel Held Evans died on Saturday. She was a shining light for those of us who grew up in the evangelical tradition & then chose to leave that world. She was way too young – 37 – and leaves behind a husband and small children (1 and 3 years old). I am so so so very sad about it. I’ll be reading her books and thinking about how mad I am at God for a while.

Sunday, April 28th                                       
When we came out of the nursing home we were struck by the fact that this car exactly matched Sue’s dress. Fun!

Meanwhile, the blue bunting was eating peacefully at the feeder with a cardinal.

Monday, April 29th                   
Our house is quite lovely right now.

My status from Facebook: I had a fabulous first day at work - thanks for all your good wishes! Also, I was down at WW even though I forgot my weigh in clothes. A good day!

Tuesday, April 30th                                                  
I FINALLY finished my lone crochet project of the year (not counting finishing last year’s blankets). The recipient loved it – whew! I laughed when she sent the pictures – she knew better than to send a picture with a face on it if she didn’t want it on my blog. Ha!

Wednesday, May 1st                                                     
Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak!

Thursday, May 2nd                                                     
The Dr. Van Fleet rose at Dr. M’s father’s house – so delicate & pretty. It’s about 70 years old.

Friday, May 3rd                                                   
Dr. M went for his first physical therapy session today – fortunately it is located very close to us (well, nearly 10 miles, but that’s close now that we live 10 miles from everywhere.).

Meanwhile, I was arranging my desk. I LOVE the little finger highlighters! I really need to find some project to use them on.

Saturday, May 4th     
Fundraising barbecue is big around here. They serve actual BBQ (as opposed to those folks who “have a barbecue” & are really just grilling hamburgers). Yum!

I missed Monday, but took a picture of my daily work outfit for the rest of the week. I don’t know why. There’s a big full length mirror in the bathroom at work. I’m amused at some of my choices. For example, Tuesday’s outfit looks like pajamas. And you know, I’m ok with that! Also, what is UP with my Friday hair?  

I survived my first week at my new job! I actually really enjoyed it – I think this will be a good fit for me. However, I will be mostly brain dead in the evenings until I feel more comfortable with all the aspects of the position. Learning is hard work! Although to be fair to myself, most of this stuff is very similar to work I’ve done in the past, so perhaps it won’t take as long as I think to get the hang of things.  

 Be thinking about Dr. M tomorrow - he has his first cortisone injection. Big thanks to my dad who will be driving him there. He's pretty nervous about it (Dr. M, not my dad) - here's hoping that it goes smoothly & has a big impact for the better on how he feels!


  1. I hope the cortisone helps The Professor, too. Even just a little temporary relief will be huge.
    You get such a lovely variety of birds down there! Great picture of the grosbeak, especially.

  2. the blush of spring is about done here as we creep into summer. glad you are happy about the new job and hope for the best for Dr. M.

  3. Sounds as if you had a really good first week. As you know, that first week is always the most difficult. Positive thoughts for Dr. M with hopes for a great response.

  4. I still am in shock over Rachel... its these sorts of things that just are hard to comprehend. Her family - I cant even imagine!

  5. Good luck to Dr. M. I hope the cortisone works like a charm.
    Congrats on completion of your first week at your new job. I'm so glad it went well.
    I'm sorry to hear about your friend Rachel. It is hard to lose a friend, especially an inspiring one.

  6. Love all the birds and flowers in your pictures! Spring is such a colorful time.

    Glad that your new job seems to be a good fit for you. The first few weeks are always hard - learning all new stuff makes you feel as exhausted as chopping wood all day long. And your work wardrobe is definitely a notch fancier than mine. Capris and a polo shirt for me, every single day. Good thing engineers are very casual!

  7. Blessings in the new job!
    And releif and healing for Dr. M.

  8. Your birds and your yard are wonderful. And I love the bunny!

  9. That cardinal and bunting together are fabulous. So beautiful! You're not so bad yourself- - enjoyed the fashion show. I hope all went well for Dr. M... the thought of a cortisone shot makes me queasy, even though I don't mind getting a shot generally.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...