Sunday, July 14, 2019

2019 Project 365 – Week Twenty-eight

Once again, I’m writing my post while watching the Braves play. The score is nuthin nuthin, but this week it seems less fraught. As in, at the end of the day I just want someone to score & I’m not sure I care who.
Sunday, July 7th                                          
We have some little sunflowers growing at church. Makes me smile.

Monday, July 8th              
And then Dr. M saw sunflowers too!

I took my mandalas to the office. I have a few other things for the walls so they may move around some, but I like them here for now.

Tuesday, July 9th                                              
Around the yard.

Wednesday, July 10th                                                        
Butterfly on the Anise Hyssop.

Thursday, July 11th                                                         
Dr. M witnessed The Bug that Ate Mountain View! I was really worried for that white car.

That evening I made Mexican Street Corn (a WW recipe) with corn that my dad had picked for me the day before. It was SO GOOD ya’ll! Oh man.

Friday, July 12th                                                        
No picture!

Saturday, July 13th       
This is the only picture for today – a truly horrible one of me reacting to the gruesome audiobook I was listening to. (It’s actually a really good book, but there are zombies & vampires & the writer is a bit graphic.) I think my eyes look Mad-Eye Moody-esque here. Alarming!

Well, it’s the top of the 8th & Freddie Freeman just hit a three run homer, so I shall wrap this post up & get some dinner. Have a great week everyone!


  1. I like the look of your mandalas in your office. Are those cubicle walls, or do you have real, honest-to-goodness walls for a real, honest-to-goodness office?

    I had one of those brown anoles on my windshield the other day, hanging on for dear life, which made me think of this bug on Dr. M's windshield.

  2. Love the picture of the car-crushing bug. It's not even sweet corn time here in NEO yet! We're so far behind because of the rains all during June.

  3. the mandalas look great. and I think that bug is a katydid.

  4. I've never seen actual fields of sunflowers growing other than pictures. Yours is very pretty. We grew a flowerbed full petty successfully in AZ long, long years ago. Of course they do grow here in my part of TX but don't look as pretty - the humidity makes the leaves go all mildewy. Btw - Thursdays picture could be a movie poster shot - The Katydid that Squashed a Medium-sized White Car.

  5. ha ha your posts always contain beauty and humor. luv!

  6. That sweet corn looks great, and I love the sunflowers. All the flowers, in fact. July is such a pretty month. That katydid was probably as scared of you as you were of it! LOL!

  7. Another great post, Bug. It's so nice to be distracted from the "news" by looking at your world. Your mandala hanging is even more lovely than I thought.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...