Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Ruminations of a Hirsute Woman

If I had known, back in 2004, that I would require so many different products and strategies to deal with a small rectangular space above my upper lip, would I have opted to have electrolysis instead of lasik surgery on my eyes? Let’s consider:
  • I was blind as a bat, and now I can see to drive without glasses.
  • However, after about 5 years I had to start using reading glasses, even for the computer, and since I got tired of putting glasses on & taking them off, I wear glasses about 99% of the time.

In sum, instead of wearing contact lenses, I now wear glasses.

On the other hand, had I known that I would be as hairy as someone’s elderly aunt (none of mine, mind you, just someone else’s), would I have saved that money and used it for permanent hair removal?

Probably not. I’m pretty much a present moment person and at that particular moment I wanted to be able to see.

Life is complicated and full of difficult decisions. I guess I’ll stand behind the ones I’ve made, even if that means extra mustache maintenance now.


  1. not too late I suppose. or you can go get it waxed off. that lasts a pretty good while. I just keep my tweezers handy.

    1. I probably should let a professional handle it. I do the wax myself, but I'm certainly no expert!

  2. man, isn't it crazy how much your body changes as you get 'more mature' ???? I'm shocked - SHOCKED - daily at the changes.

  3. I wanted to make a snappy comment about Lasik surgery providing perfect hindsight... but I know how annoying those hairy problems are. So do you use all of the products in your picture now?

    1. I do, randomly. I get tired of the pain of waxing, so I use the Nair. Then I get tired of the burning of the Nair, so I use the bleach (which I have used for YEARS). But the bleach isn't as effective anymore - I guess my hair is growing faster? The tweezers are for the witch whiskers that grow out of my moles. Sigh.

  4. As a primarily Eastern European (by descent) woman, I'm surprised I'm not more fuzzy. Certainly there is STILL TIME. Sigh.

    1. Oh if only it were just a matter of fuzz. I swear I could have a full blown real mustache if I let it go long enough. Extra heavy sigh.

  5. I see those incessant t.v. commercials for something reputed to be as gentle as softly fallen snow for such a task. I've often wondered if it works.

  6. Yes, yes, one of the joys of "the golden years".


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