Sunday, July 5, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Twenty-seven

Blogger has updated its interface and I am NOT AMUSED. The spacing is weird, I have to add pictures one at a dang time (I used to upload them all, and then just insert them where I wanted), and I can’t just type in the labels anymore – I have to scroll through the whole list to find the ones I want. I have a jillion labels. Labels might be a thing of the past (I mostly use the search feature when I’m trying to find a post anyway). Okay, rant over. For now.

Sunday, June 28th                                                             

Dr. M spent some time with his dad & the hydrangeas that are from his mother’s funeral. 

I spent some time with my dad and Sue, and picked some blueberries. When I commented that the thing on the right was NOT a blueberry, my dad yanked it up & sent it home with me (garlic – yum!).

Monday, June 29th                            

The moon! 

Tuesday, June 30th                                                                 

Another day, another mask situation. 

Our neighbor’s daylilies are lovely! 

Wednesday, July 1st                                                         

I posted this about being glad my new curling iron came with that warning, and then things took a bawdy turn – especially after I read the instructions. And all I can say about that is OUCH.


Thursday, July 2nd       

One of my coworkers’ husbands brought us patriotic donuts. Yum! 

That evening we had a visitation from the blissed out Roy. 

Friday, July 3rd                                                                     

I had the day off from work – woo hoo! I finished up this project – another non-sock item made from sock yarn that I’d had for about 5 years. I actually mostly finished it a couple of weeks ago, but I was POSITIVE I had another skein of the yarn in the house somewhere. I did another pretty exhaustive search on this day & had no luck. It’s fine – this is supposed to be a scarf, not a shawl anyway. Photo shoot to come after it dries. 

Saturday, July 4th                

We spent part of the day with Dr. M’s dad. We had bbq & baked beans with fried okra (I don’t know why the only picture I took of that was the okra). And then we had cupcakes, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Dr. M spent some time talking with his dad & I spent some time picking blueberries. I think it’s fitting that I began and ended the week with blueberries! 

I often have a lot of conflicting feelings about this day, but this year it was more troubling than usual. I’ll let Frederick Douglass explain (and my goodness, I read an alternate opinion of him this week & now I’m giving him side eye!). 

I’ve had a lovely long weekend, but I don’t mind going back to work (at least I won’t mind once I’m up and out of the shower – pre-shower I will be a little salty about it). When I’m out of my routine I can spiral down into complete lethargy with a touch of depression. I did get some housework done, so I feel good about that, and I finished a couple of books and started on THREE more. But I’ll bet my screen time was through the roof! What did you do with your down time? (If you had some – and I don’t want to hear it from my retired people – I’m looking at you Daddy.)



  1. I had switched over to the New Blogger interface some time ago, and I suddenly had no "new post" button. I had no way on the home page to initiate a new post. Luckily, I did find a "revert to Legacy Blogger" button. I didn't find anything else really annoying beyond that.

    As usual, you may continue to have my share of okra.

    As far as Frederick Douglass, remember that all of our heroes are still humans, and products of their times.

  2. yeah, I really don't like the new version. the spacing is huge, can't just drag and drop images from my desktop to the blog post. everything takes way more clicks and it's impossible to change the justification. for some reason it centered one of my paragraphs and would not let me change it to left justified. had to go back to the legacy version which I will use until it is no longer available.

  3. I'm one of your retired people. LOL
    We just sat around the backyard on the 4th like always.
    The pic with the curling iron cracked me up.
    Aren't hydrangeas gorgeous? I love them, and I love garlic, too. Garlic is supposed to be good for you, right?

  4. I hear you about the changes and "updates." Why do I constantly have to relearn paths to do things--waste of time! It happened to me in Picmonkey as well. Ughhh!
    You are so blessed to live close to both your dads. Enjoy this season!
    My friend, local author Rachael Phillips, wrote a biography of Frederick Douglas, one of her very early books. I've been wanting to read it.
    We enjoyed a relaxed day--visited our kids in their various settings, waited 1 1/2 hours at Texas Roadhouse to go in an use a gift card. The wait was not fun but the meal was good.

  5. As you know, I'm not thrilled with new Blogger either. The old one worked fine! I guess they're trying to capture people who blog via their phones (as I understand it) but I'm still not a fan. And I'm not going to be blogging from my phone, either.

    I love the look on Roy's face, and the patriotic doughnut, and your curling iron joke!

  6. Lovely week - picking fresh blueberries beginning and ending. I must have been doing something wrong with the original Blogger as it seems the same to me. Nothing looks the same as my word.doc but it never has.

  7. Please post the alternate opinion of Fred Douglas, I'm curious to learn more about him. I've got to admit, learning about John Laurens was quite the eye opener, never imagined someone like him could come from South Carolina.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...