Saturday, September 12, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven

Guess what people? I am on vacation! Well, we leave tomorrow, so that means that there’s still a lot of work to do. I’ve made a list, but basically have done nothing about packing yet. (As I write this, Dr. M is packing away – if I take long enough maybe I won’t have to do anything at all! Fingers crossed!) I’m pretty excited – our last vacation was to the Outer Banks after Christmas in 2018.

Sunday, September 6th

Spent some time with Daddy & Sue. I had put out a request on FB for friends to send cards to my dad for his 80th birthday (it’s next week), and he had already received four! (Note: I was there today & the number was up to nine – and I know a lot of folks were aiming to get the cards there right on his birthday). Lots of fun! He’s waiting until his birthday to open the cards.

Monday, September 7th

No picture. I helped Dr. M do some yard work and cleaned the house – appropriate for Labor Day.

Tuesday, September 8th  

Me: I should go to bed early. Also me:

Wednesday, September 9th

Yes, that is a baseball score you see there. What a game!

Thursday, September 10th 

From FB: It’s Messy Bun Because We Don’t Have Water So I Haven’t Showered Since Monday day. Plumber comes tomorrow so fingers crossed! PS. I’m taking a shower tonight so quit holding your noses ya goobs. (Thanks to my sister-in-law for the use of the shower!)

Friday, September 11th 

First of all, the leak was fixed so we have water again. Whew! Second of all, Dr. M posted these lovelies as an antidote to a somber day.


Saturday, September 12th 

This might be my weirdest lunch yet: lemon dill salmon on a bed of field peas, garnished with tomato & cilantro. 

We leave for the beach in the morning. I do plan on checking my work email periodically, I feel pretty confident that my coworkers can manage without me. I am going to read, crochet, and look at the ocean. What are you planning to do this week? I would feel bad for rubbing all your noses in this, but it has been a LONG time since we had a vacation!


  1. I haven't been to the beach in forever, not since the grandkids quit coming for their granny camp.

    your meals would not be that crazy if you separated the ingredients instead of mushing it all together! Marc does that. he says it's all going to be mushed together in his stomach. yes, in the stomach, not the mouth!

  2. Well, if I could just get myself caught up, I could have wished you a happy vacation before you left. I suspect you might check in during your week away. You did accomplish one thing -- you made me envy you, in spades! It really pleases me that you're getting away, and it's even better that all of the storms I just looked at appear to be leaving your coastline alone. We don't want you to have a spoiled vacay!

  3. I envy your beach trip. We haven't been to the beach in many years now, probably seven since our last visit. Good thing we racked up all that beach time in Mexico.

  4. When my father was in the hospital, we asked people to send cards. He loved getting mail. It's such an easy thing to do. Happy Birthday to your dad!!!

    I hope you and Dr. M. have a fantastic vacation.

  5. Sorry about your plumbing woes. Seems we always have to earn our vacations, doesn't it? I hope you enjoy your time away and feel rejuvenated. Fingers crossed for nice weather.

  6. that's me - when I need to go to bed early... I'm always seeing midnight.
    Happy Birthday to your dad!!!

  7. Have a great vacation! I'm a little jealous -- I haven't traveled anywhere since February. And that was just a quick overnight trip.

    I think your "weird" lunch looks pretty good, actually. Happy birthday to your dad! Glad you got your water running again!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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