Sunday, November 8, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Forty-five

Remember how last week I said that I could quit stress eating? It turns out that I have now moved into celebratory eating. I’m sensing a theme here – one that will end up with an extra 20 pounds on my hips. Anyway, what a week! I feel relieved and yet still anxious because we have another two months of potential crazy.

Sunday, November 1st                                                                 

My lunch – egg salad & bbq potato chip sandwich. It was GOOD. 

Monday, November 2nd                              

Finished this scarf. The yarn is sparkly, but still soft. I was trying to create something that could actually be worn in NC, unlike most of my scarves which I can maybe tolerate for a handful of days during the year. People obviously needed a non-election distraction because this post got more than usual likes on both Instagram and Facebook.

Tuesday, November 3rd                                                               

Happy Election Day! Daylilies, roses, azaleas, blanket flowers, and a lone phlox bloom. 

Wednesday, November 4th                                                           Happy Election Day Part II! I had a terrible night because the early returns looked very red. So this is how I felt on Wednesday morning. 

Something in this skein of yarn seems to not belong…


Thursday, November 5th          

Happy Election Day Part III! No picture – we were just hunkered down biting our nails.


Friday, November 6th                                                                    Happy Election Day Part IV! I used this photo (of a painting that my friend Becci painted) to go along with some election thoughts from Jeff Chu. You can read what he wrote here, but here is a snippet:

However this election is resolved, it’s just the beginning, not an end. If the current administration is sent home, and it’s no mystery that this is my hope, some of us will breathe a sigh of momentary relief. Then the hard work will begin. So much hurt has been inflicted over the past four years, especially on some of the most vulnerable among us. As a Chinese American and as a gay man, I have felt that personally in some ways. But others have been harmed far more than I have—and one of the challenges is to broaden my perception beyond myself. When we say “we the people,” who else has been excluded? Who has gone unrecognized? Who has carried the greatest burden of racism and white supremacy, homophobia and transphobia, the ableism and the xenophobia, the discrimination and the bigotry that continue to plague this society? Who has been denied the possibility of being among “us,” instead branded as “them”?  If I believe in a broader, more expansive, more inclusive “we” and “us,” I also have to reckon with the reality that nearly 70 million Americans voted the other way. For one reason or a dozen others, they felt that a continuation of this regime would be right and good, or at least more right and more good than the alternative. Even as I believe love compels me to prioritize listening to those to whom this administration has not listened, it also urges me to empathize with those who felt stronger and more secure under its rule. And though it has so frequently deployed shame and dehumanization, I have to resist the temptation to do the same. 

Saturday, November 7th                   

Happy Election Day Part V! I always put too many ingredients in my omelets. This one was bigger than my head! I ate half of it.

I was getting ready to go to the grocery store, but I was worried that the folks there might think my red eyes were because I was upset about the election results. On the contrary, I spent much of the day in a state of happy tears.

As I said above, I’m relieved and anxious. There’s so much work ahead. And so much potential for chaos. How are you feeling right now?



  1. Now I need to go make egg salad sandwiches!
    Keep up the crocheting because we will continue to need distractions to get thru the next couple months. I dread to even think about what 45 can/will do before January 20. ugh
    My tear ducts are still apt to spontaneously leak a day after.

    1. I really hope I can start focusing more on my crochet - I've been so antsy that all I seem to be doing is playing games on my iPad and obsessively scrolling Instagram!

  2. I love that passage from Jeff Chu. He captured the situation perfectly. We have to learn to listen to each other and see each other as human beings, rather than faceless political opponents and "others." And it ain't easy!

    1. Yes - but like the (formerly Dixie) Chicks said - I'm not ready to make nice. Except of course I don't like confrontation. So I'll just be passive aggressive about it. Ha!

  3. It was a rough Election Week! Ohio should be ashamed of itself, but I know my family voted Dem down the ballot SO HARD.

    I feel such a sense of relief and joy. I know 45* is blustering, but I am Over It. He owns no real estate in my life anymore.

    It's refreshing to FINALLY see and hear the legitimate news call out his lies AS lies and even cut away from his "speeches" and "press conferences".

    He Is Over, and thank goodness.

    1. I feel the same way about NC. We had such high hopes! We really thought we were going to flip our senate seat.

  4. this has been a nail biting week fer sure. but yay! we prevailed. Trump will be gone at least if not his mentality in the GOP. lots of hard work ahead and of course the republicans are continuing their obstructionist ways refusing to let Biden's transition team start.

    1. Yeah - it looks like it's going to be bumpy for quite a while, and even after January I'm afraid it will be hard to get things done.

  5. I'm with those happy tears myself.
    I have the same issues with omelets. I can never get the balance.
    Love that sparkle yarn - its so pretty!!!

    1. I like that yarn too - although the color changes were a little more jarring than gradual. Not sure what I think about it - but I think wearing it the way I have it in the picture it won't be quite as noticeable.

  6. I don’t think I’ve ever seen lettuce in an omelette before, but of course, why not? I recently discovered grilling romaine lettuce. Does it wilt and get soft, or stay crunchy? Am I obsessed with your food choices because I’m skipping breakfast? Perhaps.

    I came over from Nance’s blog, as I see your comments there so often. Hi! And yay Biden/Harris!

    1. Welcome! What's hilarious is that I meant to put SPINACH in my omelet, but grabbed the lettuce bowl instead. What can I say - I hadn't had breakfast yet so my brain wasn't functioning at the highest level. Ha!

  7. I think the next 2 months will be as bad as the past 4. That said - thank you for all the lovely pictures that were not about doom and gloom.

    1. Yes - I'm getting stressed about how much damage can be done in the next 2 months. I'm also starting to feel anxious that even though everyone says that they can't overturn the election, what if they figure out a way to overturn the election? Ugh.

  8. Love the airy scarf. Are you making a second one?
    Love all your comments. Thanks again for being my one commenter.

    1. I am making another one - in fact, I'm making THREE more. Christmas presents :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...