Sunday, November 22, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Forty-seven

I’m trying to not feel despair at how (as a nation) we continue to choose activities that might kill ourselves or other people. I feel gaslighted & like a drama queen, but COVID is here in my community now, and even if it doesn’t kill you it can make you miserable and cause long term health issues. Here is a graph showing the trend in my county here in NC (I got it from here): 

I’m also linking to a guide to gathering this holiday season. If you plan to get together with family that don’t live with you, please review this. The author of this guide knows that we are going to engage in risky behavior because that’s who we are, but she wants us to be aware of the risks & to know how to mitigate them.

I’m not trying to be judgy – I myself am going to be participating in a couple of things that seem not all that smart. 2020 is just a whole mood of making decisions and then hoping for the best. I wish us all well!

Sunday, November 15th

Sunday sunset in the holler. 

Monday, November 16th                            

I’m writing this on Sunday, and I’m proud to say that I've hit my (modest) step goal for the last 8 days. Since I work at a desk all day the only way I can achieve that is getting on the treadmill in the evenings. Yes, I know I could walk outside, but I will not do it at lunch and it’s dark by the time I get home. That’s my excuse right this minute. 

Tuesday, November 17th                                                               

An employee came in to sign his retirement paperwork. His wife said that she needed a picture or she wouldn’t believe he’d actually done it. (Image blurred to protect his identity.) 

Wednesday, November 18th  

I keep pressing this button, but I never go to space. This is the Space Force emblem, isn’t it?

Meanwhile, Miss Pinky and Rita moved into their winter quarters to hang out with their sexy neighbor.


Thursday, November 19th          

I crocheted during a riveting webinar about document retention for local government entities. 

Friday, November 20th 

This bush at work has been glorious this fall. It's probably 8 feet tall.

I stole this picture from my sister-in-law. These two surprised everyone by coming home from South Korea five days early! Brandon is in the Army & was stationed there for two years. We’re so glad that they made it home safely.

 Saturday, November 21st                    

I haven’t shown a Misfits Market haul in a while. I’m very excited by the pomegranates!


Dr. M roasted some potatoes, carrots, & parsnips and served them up with instant pot BBQ chicken and shelly beans. Yum! 

Despite worrying about the health (and sanity) of everyone in the United States, I am SO EXCITED that next week is a three day work week! I love my job, but it will be nice to have four days where I don’t have to pack my lunch. I will probably spend some time with Dr. M’s dad, zoom with my dad’s extended family, and play on my iPad. What are you planning to do over the holiday?


  1. Well, my holiday is only going to be Thanksgiving Day. I'm working the rest of the week.On Thanksgiving Day itself, I'll be joining some friends for a trip to a wildlife refuge, and then burgers and such when we come back. I am picking up a fresh turkey breast on Tuesday. I'll roast that for the leftovers, mostly, and I'm making pies (pecan and pumpkin) for our gathering. I'm really looking forward to is, especially since the weather is supposed to be fine.

    1. That sounds lovely! I really want pecan pie...

  2. Rick is off all this week, burning his remaining vacation days. We'll be spending Tgiving alone, in deference to COVID safety. This week, we want to spend a little time at the lakehouse, enjoying the view and puttering a bit.

  3. that camellia is gorgeous! and your brother and sister-in-law were probably safer in South Korea. Am I a terrible person because I'm kind of glad we're not all getting together for Thanksgiving? grandkids coming in from 3 different cities. the plan is we will divvy up the cooking and share around.

    1. I kind of feel the same way. I'm laughing at myself because we're doing a zoom call in the afternoon & I don't want to get dressed & do my face, and on the other hand I DEFINITELY don't want to see undressed unfaced Bug on the zoom screen. Ha!

  4. I'm with you on the behaviors. We only have a TWO day work week! But we'll be staying home with each other. I'm Zooming with the family and that's as close as I'm going to get to other people!

  5. Had to laugh at the wife's need to see a photo!

    Our Upland family is coming for Thanksgiving. Not sure about Stephan and Karen, but we see them every week. Sam and Kristie and family we do not see much, and they are not coming, instead a Zoom meeting after the meal.

    I trust the focus will be on giving thanks!

  6. Glad the couple got back to the states safely.
    I cant even deal with the craziness happening lately. I know someone who got her ENTIRE family together this weekend for Thanksgiving. OVER 50 PEOPLE! When she told me she was doing it... I instantly judged her & felt differently about her - which made me feel icky too for doing that. It's all just too much.

    1. I know - I'm having a hard time not being judgy - and as I said above, I'm also doing risky things so I should NOT judge. It's so hard!

  7. Provided it doesn't pour down rain (which it is forecast to do), my daughter and I are going to the beach to walk and look and relax.

  8. I am all a tither about Christmas. I chose to isolate for Thanksgiving and now I'm faced with making an even harder decision about the grands at Christmas. I just don't know.
    Miss Pinky is an inspiration.

    1. It is SO HARD! I mean, maybe it would be ok? But maybe not? Where's the crystal ball when you need one?

  9. As with most everything these days, especially covid, the stupid runs wide and deep.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...