Saturday, December 12, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Fifty

It is with much relief that I can report that the Christmas poem is finished & the cards were mailed today. Thanks to Dr. M for getting the envelopes ready & printing the poem out. I actually wrote the poem last year, but we decided to not use it then. When you read it you’ll realize why it seems extra relevant today! 

Sunday, December 6th

Baby shower! I think it was a success. People seemed to have fun, and I felt like we were as safe as we could be. 

Monday, December 7th                                 

My face felt “tight’ all day, which is sometimes a symptom of a fever for me, so I came right home & took my temperature. Whew! I’m pretty sure I forgot to put on moisturizer that morning. Ha! 

Tuesday, December 8th                                                               

There’s really no way I’m going to meet my reading challenge goal this year, but I thought I’d sneak in this very short book to see if I could come closer. Lemony Snicket is a (very depressing) hoot. Ha! 

Wednesday, December 9th                                                           

More air fryer shenanigans. These look like apple slices, but they were potatoes. Very yummy!


Thursday, December 10th         

I stole these photos from a coworker – this is the lobby of our department at work. They did a great job!


Friday, December 11th 

I signed all of our Christmas cards and now there is glitter all over me, the house, and other peoples’ houses (once they get their card). Sorry! 

Saturday, December 12th                     

Just showing off the girls’ light situation. I took this picture in the afternoon – in the mornings the light can be blinding coming through those two windows! (Excuse the bath mats - I was doing the floors.) 

Dr. M took some pictures of more of our ornaments. We keep meaning to get a photo of the whole tree, but we need to do it at the right time of day and we can’t remember (hang on – let me just put a reminder on my phone. Done.). 

Here is my note from FB: People. I’m a notoriously slack housekeeper (hello quarterly dusting!), but I may have outdone myself. I just washed 17 pairs of my underwear. SEVENTEEN.   Who even knew I had that many?

Tuesday is our 30th wedding anniversary and I have asked for the day off from work. I don’t know if we’ll do anything exciting, but it will be nice to have a day together in the middle of the week. Five years ago today we were heading to Puerto Rico for our 25th anniversary cruise. That seems like another lifetime ago! Maybe someday we can do something like that again. What are you wanting to do once life gets back (somewhat) to normal?  



  1. Congrats on your anniversary! And congrats to your indoor flowers for continuing to thrive. Right now, getting life back to normal for me has nothing to do with the pandemic, and everything to do with getting my poor car repaired. It's a long, sad tale that's too much to tell here, but my car is in a shop seven hours away, and in need of a new engine. There was no collision, and I'm fine, but life is pretty darned complicated right now!

    1. Oh man - that's terrible about your car! And what a bad time of year for it to happen too :(

  2. that's your underwear? mine is all boring solid colors.

    1. I get Victoria's Secret when it's on sale & try to get the most outrageous ones they have - ha!

  3. Glitter is so evil.

    I just want Normal Life, period. It's hard to quantify beyond that. I want to Live Without Thinking About It.

  4. I'll say it again -- your geraniums look MUCH better than ours! I'm also surprised your digital thermometer reads exactly 98.6. Ours is not very accurate and every time I take my temperature it seems to be lower than normal. I think we have a junk thermometer!

    1. Mine isn't always just exactly 98.6. It's often in the 97 range - especially with those forehead thermometers that our office nurse uses.

  5. So your face feels tight with a fever??? That's a new one to me - LOL
    I feel so bad for brides & new parents in this COVID season... what a different way to celebrate - but glad they still got to be loved on


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...