Sunday, December 6, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Forty-nine

People. I am just not in good enough physical shape for all this Christmas decorating. I dragged all the boxes out last Sunday, did maybe one thing every other night, and then spent a couple of hours basically attacking the tree with ornaments, and put all the boxes back yesterday. I was exhausted. Fortunately I was also able to finish the baby shower gift for the shower I’m helping give TODAY. I’m really not used to having to do things – all of this stay at home business has made me soft and lazy. Okay, yes, I was always soft and lazy. ANYWAY, here are my pictures for the week – mostly Christmas and selfies. 

Sunday, November 29th  

We had the nephews and their better halves over for a visit. B2 and his wife are just back from South Korea, and B1 and his lady live in Virginia (the nerve!), so we hadn’t seen any of them in a while. 

It was the first Sunday in Advent, so I dragged out my motley crew of candles.

Monday, November 30th  
I took the little tree that my mother got me to work. I can’t believe that it’s thirty two years old! It’s an antique! 

Meanwhile, Dr. M got the drop cord we needed so he could perfectly position our tree to make the Christmas Tree Angel. 

Tuesday, December 1st                                                               

My brother’s birthday! Happy birthday Joe! Your card was late! (It’s a family tradition.) Meanwhile, Ms. Pinky & Rita are doing well. 

Here is what Dr. M had to say about this meal: So tonight we’re having an Asian-American vegetarian vegetable soup, featuring a number of ingredients furnished by @misfitsmarket ! The base is traditional: red onion, celery, and carrots, sautéed a bit. I added Wayne Wallace’s most excellent garlic and my favorite soup seasoning: chopped cumin seeds, along with sea salt and fresh ground pepper with a bit of attitude. Next came soy sauce, followed by vegetable broth. Then I added chick peas for substance. After the soup returned to a boil, I added bok choy, with the more fibrous stem pieces going in first, then the leafy parts. Finally, I tossed in some roasted, shredded spaghetti squash! The spouse says it’s pretty tasty! 

Wednesday, December 2nd

I think we photograph these ornaments every year. They’re from Dr. M’s grandmother and they’re my favorite.


Thursday, December 3rd         

We didn’t have any other pictures, so you get this selfie. 

Friday, December 4th                                                                      Felt cute.

We made paper snowflakes at work. That was fun! Next week I should take pictures of our lobby – the ladies I work with did a FABULOUS job decorating.

Dr. M got us a new seasonally appropriate ornament. Ha!

Saturday, December 5th                     

This is how my brain works. I’ve had this little mouse for, oh, 30 years? Every year I wrestle an ornament hook through that hole to hang it. This year I FINALLY thought to put a little bit of yarn through there. But did I just grab a scrap from all the multitudinous yarn around me? Nope. I decided to do a bit of sewing & use the leftover end. Yes, I stopped decorating the tree to work on a crochet project so I could hang an ornament on the tree. The yarn doesn’t even really match. #what #welcometomybrain #christmas2020 

Here’s the dinosaur hooded blanket that I made for my nephew & his wife’s baby. I hope they like it!

As predicted, it was difficult to get out of bed for work last week, but I survived. How about you – did you survive?  



  1. I'm still breathing so yeah, I guess I did survive. and we had soup for dinner last night but nothing so grand, just leftover soup. it's different every time and usually pretty good.

    1. We do the same kind of soup in cold weather. Sometimes we'll try to recreate an especially good one, but we never can.

  2. That hoodie blanket is ADROABLE!!!!
    You SHOULD feel cute - you look super cute!
    That tree placement is perfect with the reflection off the windows!

  3. I love the angel tree and the paper snowflakes. But, reallyl -- 32 years old is antique? Uh... I'm more than double that. Amazing, really.Good gosh, it's the second Sunday of Advent already. At least I've got my tree up. I did read that the p.o. and etc are really slow right now, and that we ought to have cards and gifts out by next Sunday. Say, what?

    1. I ALMOST didn't call the tree an antique, but that sure seems like a LONG time ago! Ha!

  4. Sigh. No cake.

    That hooded blanket is the cutest thing. You did a wonderful job, and I know it will be loved for a long, long time.

    Our tree is still in the basement, waiting. Maybe this weekend, and maybe just a lighted tree. I do NOT have the Cmas spirit.

    1. You're right! No cake! But I did eat a cupcake yesterday, and there will be a picture of that next week. Ha!

      I am really glad that the tree is done, but I'm already dreading taking it down again. You're smart to just do lights!

  5. More and more people here and everywhere are coming down with Covid but Judy and I are still surviving.

  6. I love the dinosaur blanket! So cute!

    Your geraniums look much happier than ours. Ours always look so spindly at this time of year and they have no flowers. I think they get a lot less light than yours do so much farther south. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

    1. They do get a LOT of light in the bathroom - that tub is in a corner & there are windows on both sides of the corner. But rest assured, by February they won't look this nice.

    2. Basically we're the same latitude as the Middle East, so yes, our sun angle, etc., are more favorable. Even in Ohio, we were on the same latitude as Madrid, as I recall.

  7. There's so much to comment on here. I want to talk about everything. Firs, your tree is very pretty, and I love your mother's little tree. Mr. M's antique ornaments are beautiful. I have a few of those from H's mother. The shawl/scarf thingie is really cute. We should all be eating that healthy vegetable soup. The dinosaur hoodie is precious, and as always, I'm in awe of Ms. Pinky.

    1. Thank you for your effusive comment! It was a pretty good week :)

  8. This past week was long and uncomfortable for me. It started last Sunday with my daughter and I working in the yard, then going to Costco that same day.
    The work week was hectic with my engineering department learning that one of the guys in the floor technician group came down with a serious case of Covid.
    He's in the hospital with pneumonia which is really bad since he has COPD.
    This individual was one who rarely wore his mask properly. I feel bad for the guy because I wouldn't which Covid on my worst enemy. But honestly, he's one of the people who doesn't believe the pandemic was real.

    1. That's really scary! And now I've heard of people who get a really bad case who are STILL denying that COVID is a big deal. What the heck!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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